Thursday, January 27, 2022

Newest insights from the Human Life Review

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By Rev. W. Ross Blackburn:Let me suggest a simple experiment. If you want to explore the character of the pro-abortion and pro-life movements, take a look at the signs for each. The slogans are telling. And look not just at the slogans, but the tone of those slogans. Furthermore, notice not just the signs, but the eyes and the faces of those who hold them. CLICK HERE TO READ
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By Julia Duin (SPECIAL ACCESS FROM MOST RECENT ISSUE):The handwringing and outraged editorials on TV shows and news sites nationwide have presented Texas as a living replica of Gilead, the dystopian society featured in the Hulu series “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Meanwhile, while everyone remains fixated on SB 8, another anti-abortion initiative is slowly spreading across Texas; a movement that has gone largely unnoticed but is slowly nibbling away at abortion access by decrees. CLICK HERE TO READ
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By Joe Bissonnette:I did not speak to the woman, I know nothing about her. But I do know this: She did not forsake her sexual power to carry that puppy within her. She did not endure great discomfort, sleepless nights, and a complete redefinition of her being to bring that puppy into the world. She did not forge with a husband to make another human being. CLICK HERE TO READ
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By Edward Short:[Dr.] Nathanson and [Abby] Johnson are not alone [in conversion]: There are millions more like them who will follow in their footsteps, who are following in their footsteps as we speak. Here, to illustrate my point, is something by the novelist and poet Thomas Hardy ... CLICK HERE TO READ
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By Rev. George G. Brooks:The result of that “tsunami of dissent” [against Humane Vitae] has done incalculable harm: It has given a license to the Catholic laity simply to ignore an important moral teaching; it has plunged Catholic youngsters into a sewer of promiscuity that is enabled by “the pill”; and contraception opens up the choice of that most effective form of it, which is abortion. CLICK HERE TO READ
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By Rev. Victor Lee Austin:A family I am friendly with recently brought home their eighth child. A day or two later, as we sat around their dining room table, I wanted to find out what the other children were thinking of their new brother.“His ears are tiny!” “And his nose.” “He’s got pink skin. It’s dark.”“And smooth—so soft!” “And wrinkly." CLICK HERE TO READ

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Human Life Foundation | 271 Madison Avenue, Room 1005, New York, NY 10016