like an object of art—composed of color, line, texture, shape, and
form—humans are designed with elements that are essential to our nature.
And each of these elements is under God’s authority—life, marriage,
sexuality, and gender. We find His perfect design in Genesis 1:27-28,
also known as the Doctrine of Imago Dei (which is Latin for image of God).
we are witnessing everywhere today is a direct attack on these design
elements and their central structure: The family. Any attempt to
separate, twist, or alter any of these design elements is an attempt to
usurp God’s authority. This is nothing less than intentional corruption
of the very nature of God’s wholistic design for the human person; the
stripping away of meaning, function, and purpose.
chaos and brokenness in our culture today is not because God’s design
is flawed, but because we are actively rebelling against it.