Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Spare Parts From Human Clones: Is This the Answer to the Fountain of Youth?


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Dear friends of the CBC,

“I don’t understand how anyone could read a surrogate contract and look me in the eye with a straight face and say, ‘Oh no, this baby is not being bought and sold.’ [T]his woman is enslaved contractually for nine months.  She is told if she can travel, how far she can travel, what she can eat, what she can’t eat…it is just everything you can imagine… [the contract] depends on the whims and wishes of the purchasing parents.” – Jennifer Lahl 

With all of the cultural issues around us, the CBC has always remained true to its mission. We continue to inform the public on complicated bioethical issues like surrogacy, egg donation, human dignity, and biomedical technology, all while making these issues approachable, understandable, and with a heart for the humans behind our stories. Continue reading here...

'Spare Parts' from Human Clones: Is This the Answer to the Fountain of Youth? We Think Not!
by Kallie Fell, Executive Director

We all know the keys to ward off premature aging, especially when it comes to protecting our skin: don’t smoke, wear sunscreen, drink less, eat a healthy diet, and exercise. Since the 1990s anti-aging products have sky-rocketed and aesthetic medicine, including injections and youth-preserving procedures, have been gaining popularity, but for some, that simply isn’t enough. The desire to drink from the fountain of youth, especially in the west, has influenced our society, culture, and even science. For example, transhumanists believe that technology will, someday, allow them to live indefinitely. Dr. Alex Zharvoronkov, anti-aging researcher and head of the biotech company Insilico Medicine, says that human clones are the answer to this eternal life. Even more, he believes this technology will be available by the time the children today have grown. 

If his timeline is correct, then there is a sense of urgency for a discussion around the advancement of this morally repugnant technology. Continue reading here...

Last Chance to Buy Tickets for This Week's Event!

Friday, March 10, 2023 | Doors open at 6:00 pm | Redwood City, CA: location TBA

As a supporter of The Center for Bioethics and Culture, we would like to formally invite you to a private showing of our newest documentary, The Detransition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters, which will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers and a parent on the forefront of the gender ideology battle.

We have seating for 70 and are hoping to have a full theater, so bring the whole family.

Doors will open at 6; film to start promptly at 7:00 PM. Food and beverages will be available to purchase at the location.

Learn more or register here.