Gianna’s sacrifice of risking her life for the health of her unborn
child has inspired, and, in some cases, confounded those who hear her
story. Yet almost all can agree that it was an extraordinary act of
love. St. Gianna’s husband, Pietro, maintained that Gianna did not
sacrifice her life from a desire to attain heaven, but simply “because
she was a mother.” All mothers are capable of extraordinary acts of
self-giving love, although these acts may take different forms. Mothers
deserve our gratitude for the sacrifices they make in order to give and
to sustain life. Today, we pray with thankfulness for all mothers.
Let us pray:
O Blessed Mother,
you received the good news of the incarnation of Christ, your Son, with
faith and trust. Grant your protection to all pregnant mothers facing
Guide us as we
strive to make our parish communities places of welcome and assistance
for mothers in need. Help us become instruments of God’s love and
Mary, Mother of the
Church, graciously help us build a culture of life and a civilization of
love, together with all people of good will, to the praise and glory of
God, the Creator and lover of life. Amen.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be)