Friday, May 10, 2024

Ignoring the Cries: Child Sexual Abuse in the Abortion Industry


Child Sexual Abuse in the Abortion Industry

Building an Abortion-Free America

Ignoring the Cries: Child Sexual Abuse in the Abortion Industry

The “Me Too Movement” brought widespread awareness to the prevalence of sexual abuse in our nation, especially involving men who are in a position of power over their victims. Operation Rescue has closely followed these trends and has dug deep into the connection to the abortion industry.

Abortion supporters bring sexual abuse to the table regularly. They move on the hearts of the generally pro-life masses by narrowing their focus to girls and women who have suffered the cruelty of rape and incest. Of course, every time this type of sexual perversion takes place, someone is deeply wounded, and it rightly elicits strong emotions. Thus the strategy has moved votes away from a pro-life position to favor some of the most extreme pro-abortion initiatives. Operation Rescue recently updated a booklet titled Refocusing the Pro-Life Movement for Victory that addresses this scheme at length.

According to the Charlotte Lozier Institute, only .3 percent of abortions are reported to be performed because the child was conceived in rape or incest. That’s less than one-third of one percent.

"Abortion facilities are known to provide cover for sexual abusers, which lands the Abortion Cartel in an uncomfortable dichotomy," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "The industry needs rape and incest numbers to be greater to support its pro-abortion arguments, but reporting such abuse gets in the way of profit.

"After all, the abusers and traffickers need to know they have a safe place to take the girls and women they exploit – to dispose of the evidence and enable them to continue their merciless abuse. This ring of sadistic sexual exploitation and murderous cover-up is far from safe for the mothers (regardless of their age) and their babies."

Operation Rescue’s recent campaign, Dirty Doctors Digest, revealed the pervasiveness of sexual abuse inside abortion facilities. It is a dark, underground world of sexual perversion and evasion from accountability.

Out of 44 known “dirty doctors” and others working in the abortion industry, six have faced charges for sexual abuse of a minor – everything from participation in child pornography to rape.

Some of the most pro-abortion states recently rejected bills that would have increased punishment for perpetrators of child sex crimes. In late April, the Democrat-controlled House in Colorado, a state with no gestational limits on abortion, stopped House Bill 1092 that would have mandated minimum sentences for those who buy children for sexual exploitation.


In Case You Missed it


Imprisoned Pro-Lifer Suffers Stroke

Heather Idoni Suffers Stroke in Jail

Operation Rescue learned today of an urgent prayer request involving Heather Idoni, one of the courageous pro-lifers currently imprisoned for participating in peaceful rescues at abortion facilities. She was convicted of violating the FACE Act and Civil Right Conspiracy at the notorious late-term abortion center Washington Surgi-Center and at an abortion clinic outside of Nashville, Tennessee.

Idoni was reportedly rushed to the hospital this week after suffering a stroke at Northern Neck Regional Jail in Virginia. She is currently stabilized and will be taken back into custody to await sentencing on May 17.

Please pray for Idoni during this extremely trying time. And remember the others currently imprisoned for acting on their convictions to save innocent babies while being led to the slaughter.

Click Here for Full Article

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Abortion Free by Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger, explains step by step how to make your community abortion free!

It is available for order at


This book by Cheryl Sullenger reveals the truth about the Gosnell trial and the frightening fact that Gosnell is not alone! Contains information you'll find no where else. Order now at

About Operation Rescue®

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the U.S. Its goal is to expose abortion abuses, demand enforcement, save innocent lives, and build an Abortion-Free America.

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