Tuesday, May 14, 2024

LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report Tuesday, May 14, 2024



LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

 To read the news, visit LifeNews.com.

Top Stories
Pro-Life Advocate Lauren Handy Thrown in Prison for 57 Months for Protesting Abortion
Joe Biden’s Campaign Confirms He Supports Abortions Up to Birth
Senator Mike Lee Slams Joe Biden for “Unjustly” Persecuting Pro-Life Americans
Joe Biden Putting Peaceful Pro-Life Americans in Prison is a Horrible Travesty of Justice

More Pro-Life News
Attorneys General File Lawsuit Against New Biden Rule Forcing Employers to Fund Abortions
Catholic College Honors Justice Samuel Alito With Award for Upholding Justice
Arizona Supreme Court Rejects Planned Parenthood’s Request to Get Rid of Abortion Ban Early
New Study Shows Abortion Linked to More Mental Health Disorders for Women
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Senator Mike Lee Slams Joe Biden for “Unjustly” Persecuting Pro-Life Americans

Joe Biden Putting Peaceful Pro-Life Americans in Prison is a Horrible Travesty of Justice


Attorneys General File Lawsuit Against New Biden Rule Forcing Employers to Fund Abortions

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact news@lifenews.com about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.