Thursday, November 1, 2012

40 Days for Life: DAY 37: Prayer is the key

Dear Deacon,

Today's devotional deals with sacrifice ... and
really, that's what 40 Days for Life is all about
-- sacrifice.

It's a lot easier to hit the snooze button and roll
over for a little more sleep than it is to get out
of bed early in the morning and drive down to an
abortion center vigil.

It's a lot easier to stay at home at night to watch
a movie with the family than to go pray outside a
building where the doors are locked and all the
lights are off.

But we make the sacrifice.

We do it not for ourselves ... but for Christ, who
gave the ultimate sacrifice for us. And when we pray,
He listens.


When it comes to ending the abortion crisis, Mary Anne
in Ithaca put it simply: "Prayer is the key."

People will walk past vigil participants, telling them
that their presence on the street is a waste of time
-- or that they should be doing something useful,
like providing food and clothing for the poor.

"Many do not see prayer as an activity," she said.

Mary Anne recalled a young couple who got out of their
car to talk to her. The man spoke about all of the
supposed "good" that Planned Parenthood does.

She responded, "Think about your fatherhood. You'll
regret your lost fatherhood. I would not go in there."
She told him about the pregnancy help center around
the corner. The couple walked up and down the street
-- but never went into Planned Parenthood.

To see some photos from 40 Days for Life in Ithaca,
go to:


The 40 Days for Life team in this Canadian city told
of an 18-year-old woman who stopped to talk to the
people praying outside the hospital.

She was pregnant and was considering abortion. Every
day, she had to travel past the people praying outside
the hospital. And every time she went by, in her mind
she would hear the words, "Don't kill."

It really bothered her. So she figured she'd just take
an alternate route. But still she thought of the vigil,
and the words would not go away. She then told the
vigil participants she was no longer abortion-minded.

"I imagine she'll have many obstacles to overcome," one
of the volunteers said, "but God can do all things."


"This is our second campaign at Planned Parenthood in
Portland," Therese said. "This time, Planned Parenthood
actually hired two security guards to work on surgical
abortion days."

Last week, one of those guards came to deliver a
message to vigil participants -- the abortion center
had put up a sign. The volunteers couldn't see it
from where they were standing, so the guard came
and told them. The sign read, "Planned Parenthood
will be closed at 2:00 today."

"They normally close at 4:00," Therese said. "This
is the first time I know of that this has happened."

She also noted the presence of mothers and children
at the 40 Days for Life vigil. "It is such a powerful
witness to see Moms and kids out there," she said
... adding that the children love to hold signs.

"The Holy Spirit is moving in so many ways here,"
Therese said, "It is just amazing!"

To see pictures from the Portland vigil, go to:

Here's today's devotional from Carmen Pate, a member
of the 40 Days for Life board of directors.


Pray that we will each submit ourselves this day as a
living sacrifice to God, giving all that we have in
us for those being sacrificed on the altar of


I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of
God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable

-- Romans 12:1

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

Since all things are for His glory, we are to offer
ourselves for that purpose. This of course is in
sharp contrast to those who are being swayed by the
enemy to sacrifice their babies on the altar of
convenience, rather than choosing to surrender their
all, including their unborn child, to the Lord for
His purposes.

A career, education goals, or even a boyfriend can
unknowingly become an idol for some young women. In
their minds, abortion is a convenient way to "rid
themselves" of an obstacle in the way of their

In light of the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf,
and the fruit of God's mercies on our lives, we owe
God our highest form of praise and worship.
Presenting our bodies as living sacrifices is
therefore reasonable service.

We were made to worship God and God alone. The enemy
who seeks worship for himself distorts God's truth
regarding worship, sacrifice, idols, and children.

As you have given of yourself to rescue those who are
perishing -- the young woman and her child -- you are
worshiping God in the truest sense of the word.

May your example lead an abortion minded client to
turn from her idols to worship the one true God,
sparing her child from the altar of convenience, and
sparing herself from a lifetime of regret.


God Almighty, You alone are worthy of our praise and
worship. Having accepted Your Son's sacrifice on my
behalf, I in turn present my body to you as a living
sacrifice. Thank you for deeming me holy and
acceptable because of Christ's shed blood for me.

I pray that you would use me as your vessel to rescue
others who are perishing. Through Christ who is Our
Glory, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:


For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: What's new with 40 Days for Life in your
    community? Please share any stories by leaving
    a comment at today's blog entry:

40 Days for Life

10908 Courthouse Road
Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA