Tuesday, March 20, 2012


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

'The Depths of Haughty Disdain' Starring Barack Obama    
By Judie Brown                  
Two films----one real, yet containing misleading information; the other hypothesized, yet would contain only truths. In today's society, it is imperative to understand the difference between a fact and what others want you to believe. Today's commentary addresses this. Read on for Judie Brown's insights.  

[Click here to read more.]






Massive, systemic Planned Parenthood fraud on brink of exposure?
Former Planned Parenthood abortion facility director Abby Johnson filed a whistleblower lawsuit against the abortion business . . . in 2009 . . . which was made public [March 9]. Johnson was the third former PP employee to file fraud charges, joining Victor Gonzalez, who filed a complaint against Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California in 2008, and Karen Reynolds, who filed a complaint last year against the same affiliate as Johnson, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. Since Johnson's story broke last week, five former Planned Parenthood employees have contacted her to say they realized after reading details of her lawsuit that they, too, may have unknowingly been involved in defrauding the government.  


Chinese study finds link between previous abortion and depression among pregnant women
A new study of post-abortive women in China found a high correlation between induced abortion and depression among pregnant women, adding to the growing body of evidence that links abortion with negative mental health outcomes. The findings were reached by a team of Chinese researchers from Anhui Medical College who analyzed data that had been previously collected as part of an on-going study on child development. Their study, titled "The Impact of Prior Abortion on Anxiety and Depression Symptoms During a Subsequent Pregnancy: Data From a Population-Based Cohort Study in China," was published recently in the Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology.


Pepsico sidesteps evidence in denial over aborted fetal cells in flavor testing
The New American
PepsiCo is denying charges that it has contracted with a company that uses cell lines derived from aborted babies for flavor research. As reported in a pair of stories by The New American, a PepsiCo shareholder had earlier filed a resolution with the federal Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in an effort to stop a $30-million deal the company had inked with Senomyx, a company that, according to the pro-life group Children of God for Life [an American Life League Associate group], uses cell lines from aborted babies in its business of creating artificial flavor enhancers.