Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lifeissues Newsletter #567 clear thinking about crucial issues

Dear Friends For Life,

[Breast Cancer from Abortion] - A new study from Johns Hopkins University and the American University of Armenia by scientists who examined diabetes type 2 reproductive factors in breast cancer found a statistically significant association showing a 2.9 fold increased breast cancer risk from one induced abortion. Women with pregnancies before age 20 had no increase breast cancer risk, whereas those age 21 to 30 had a 2.2 fold increased risk, and after age 30 a five fold increased risk from delaying pregnancy.

See (Breast Cancer Victim) video below. Sad but so true.

God Bless,
Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI

(The Difference is LIFE) "By accepting contraception, the world is ... attempting to form a civilized but non-Christian, mentality. The experiment will fail; but we must be very patient in waiting its collapse; meanwhile redeeming the time so that the Faith may be preserved alive through the dark ages before us; to renew and rebuild civilization and save the world from suicide." -T.S. Eliot, Thoughts After Lambeth.

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**************************************** Newsletter #567
March 18, 2011



1. Are Babies Not Persons? Seeing Patterns
2. We Cannot Afford to Indulge this Madness
3. A private matter between a woman and her vending machine?
4. Catholic Teaching on Contraception: For Married Couples Only?
5. Wantedness & Coercion: Key Factors in Understanding Women's Mental Health After Abortion
6. Special Needs, Special Gifts
7. Fetal body parts used for research
8. How do the Pill and other contraceptives work?
9. Asian Women Grapple With Challenge - Analysis
10. Semen and Health: The Condom Condemned
11. New Challenges on "Birth Control"
12. Nonhuman Personhood Rights (and Wrongs)

(Breast Cancer Victim): "An Abortion / Breast Cancer Victim" -  In February of 2002 Charnette Messe was diagnosed with breast cancer. In this video, she reported she had an induced abortion and used the birth control pill and Depo Provera before first full term pregnancy (the most cancer-susceptible time in a woman's life). Sadly, Charnette lost her battle against breast cancer and passed away on December 3, 2011.


ITEM #1: Are Babies Not Persons? Seeing Patterns

A recent article in The Journal of Medical Ethics argued that infanticide is morally equivalent to abortion, and therefore perfectly justifiable. This might have been surprising, except that a month earlier the same journal had published an article arguing that it is morally permissible for doctors to kill patients if their organs might be used for effective transplants in others. So let us recognize the pattern and realize that The Journal of Medical Ethics has an agenda.


ITEM #2: We Cannot Afford to Indulge this Madness

If same-sex marriage is enacted into law what will happen to the teacher who wants to tell pupils that marriage can only mean - and has only ever meant - the union of a man and a woman? Will that teacher’s right to hold and teach this view be respected or will it be removed? Will both teacher and pupils simply become the next victims of the tyranny of tolerance, heretics, whose dissent from state-imposed orthodoxy must be crushed at all costs?


ITEM #3: A private matter between a woman and her vending machine?

At Shippensburg University, female students who hook-up for drunken sex on Saturday will find it easy to dispose of just-conceived babies on Monday or Tuesday. A quick trip to the vending machine is all it takes.


ITEM #4: Catholic Teaching on Contraception: For Married Couples Only?

Does the Catholic Church's condemnation of contraception bind only on married couples or is it a universal moral norm?


ITEM #5: Wantedness & Coercion: Key Factors in Understanding Women's Mental Health After Abortion

Many women experience unwanted abortions under conditions of varying degrees of pressure, coercion or force. Many women experience uninformed abortions, with very inadequate counseling if any. These women have no awareness about possible harmful effects of abortion, no information about the full range of options available to them regarding babies they want, and no information about their own risk factors for possible adverse reactions.


ITEM #6: Special Needs, Special Gifts

Last October during National Down Syndrome Awareness month, a new test for detecting Down syndrome as early as 10 weeks into pregnancy was announced with great fanfare by many news organizations. Routinely mentioned was also the sad fact that around 90% of babies diagnosed with this condition are then aborted. Indeed, although more people than ever identify themselves as pro-life in public opinion polls, there is still majority support for abortions in the so-called "hard case" of birth defect.


ITEM #7 Fetal body parts used for research

[Note: Here we can see the long-time and deep connection of abortion with human embryonic and fetal research, stem cell research, human and non-human animal genetic engineering, laboratory assays and culture media, the sources of bits and pieces of human genes, chromosomes, cells, tissues, organs. The "Washington State" supply depot is run by NIH. - Dianne N Irving, Ph.D.]


ITEM #8: Scientists Urge Personhood for Dolphins and Whales

[Note: One of the false "scientific" proofs used since the 1960's by Jesuit Fr. Richard McCormick and frog embryologist Clifford Grobstein and their adherents to ground their fake term "pre-embryo" was "individuality" (different from the philosophical term "individuation"). That is, there is no embryonic "person" present until "twinning" could no longer take place, about 14-days (which, BTW, can take place months post-fertilization!) - and therefore human embryo research, human cloning, early abortions, genetic engineering of the "pre-embryo", etc., is morally sanctioned. Subsequently, the international nomenclature on human embryology formally rejected the terms "pre-embryo" and "individuality" as unscientific and misleading. Below we see a "religious" revival of the use of the fake term "individuality", which is nothing more than just a fake scientific "pre-embryo substitute". What Peter Singer et al refer to as "self-awareness, autonomy, choosing", etc., has long been counter-explained as animal "instinct", different from human intellectual capacities. - Dianne N Irving, Ph.D.]


ITEM #9: Asian Women Grapple With Challenge - Analysis

From self-immolating nuns in Tibet and dogged Uyghur petitioners in China to ethnic groups battling sexual violence in Burma and refugees exposing abuses in North Korea, women in Asia are rising up in pursuit of human rights, social justice and political power.


ITEM #10: Semen and Health: The Condom Condemned

Physicians have a special interest in comprehending nature's ways for the role of the physician is to cooperate with nature, the custodian of health, to make and ensure health. The good physician keeps in mind that nature is the real healer, not the physician whose role is ministerial, who is nature's nurturer not her master. When health is absent, the physician assists nature in restoring health and when necessary, he steps in and does for nature what nature would do for herself if she could, as in necessary surgery. When health is present, he helps her to maintain and perfect health.


ITEM #11: New Challenges on "Birth Control"

Why is Catholicism a "holdout?" Here again, the source is not just the Bible, but a long tradition from Patristic times. Yes, in the early Christian era, contraceptive methods were available - many of them even riskier than modern pharmaceuticals, and contraceptive by causing abortion. They were the subject of frequent condemnations by Fathers of the Church and theologians - St. Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian in the second century, Minucius Felix and St. Hippolytus in the third, St. Augustine, St. Basil the Great and St. Jerome, as well as the Council of Ancyra in the fourth. In the Reformation era, Luther and Calvin both vehemently condemned contraception.


ITEM #12: Nonhuman Personhood Rights (and Wrongs)

[Note: This writer is arguing that legal "personhood" for non-human animals is no big deal. However, the real problem is his assumed premise of how to define "person" - which for him is that of Peter Singer's. For Singer, a "person" is only defined in terms of normal adult functions and activities: "rational attributes" (knowing, willing, choosing, autonomy, relating to the world around one, etc.) and "sentience" (the ability to feel pain and pleasure). Thus Singer argues that even the death of perfectly normal human infants and young children is "ethical" because they are not "persons" -- and "bestiality" with non-human animal persons is OK. Obviously, this Singer definition leaves out of "personhood" millions of human beings, including adults, while including many non-human animals. It was this bioethics definition of "person" that was very recently used as the basis for the Journal of Medical Ethics article about Australian physicians who were promoting "after birth abortion", and genetic engineers who want to give "androids" and robots rights of "persons". No big deal? Challenge the premises, every single one of them. - Dianne N Irving, Ph.D.]



1. BE INFORMED: "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6. Visit Website for insights into current Life Issues Access to all prior Newsletters is located in the Archives on main page.

2. PRAY DAILY: for the courage to be God's presence in society and to strongly support those who are deemed "unworthy of life". "If My people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

3. BECOME INVOLVED: Several years ago Fr. Jerry created a project entitled, "Journey for Life into the Heart of Asia". The project appeals for donations to help finance plane travel for lectures and seminars to developing countries in Asia. Strong focus is centered on reaching Asian Catholic Major Seminaries, Universities, Parishes, Hospitals and Family/Pro Life related groups. The lectures place emphasis on "The Asian Family at Crossroads: Life Issues, Trends and Challenges".

For information about no-cost Pro Life Talks to your group in Asia: contact Fr. Jerry at

To become a supportive Missionary participant for this Asian project, kindly send your donations to:

** Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI

**, Editor

** Akebono-cho 1-15-9

** Kochi City, Japan, 780-8072

(or transfer donation directly to ProLife bank account: Jerome Novotny, Shikoku Bank, Asakura Branch, No. 102-1-0080824)


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Contact EDITOR:

Jerry Novotny, OMI

Akebono-cho 1-15-9

Kochi City, Japan, 780-8072

[tel/fax: 088-843-0406]


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