Pro-Life News Report
Thursday, March 15, 2012
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Obama Kills Texas Women s Health Program Over Planned Parenthood
• Report: Number of Planned Parenthood Clinics Declines Again
• Obama s New Plan for Abortion on Demand at Your Expense
• Pepsi Denies Using Aborted Fetal Cells for Flavor Testing
More Pro-Life News
• First Lawsuit From Business Owner Challenges Obama HHS Mandate
• The Numbers Planned Parenthood Doesn t Want You to Know
• Democrats Trash Romney on De-Funding Planned Parenthood
• They Lied Saying Obamacare Wouldn t Fund Abortions
• 40 Days for Life Saves 294 Babies From Abortion, So Far
• Should Pro-Lifers Participate in the Relay for Life?
• Abortion Advocates: Men s Opinions Only Count If They Agree
• Ireland Government Rejects UN Call to Legalize Abortion
• South Dakota Becomes 15th to Cut Abortion in Obamacare
• Pro-Life Youth Take Message to UN Women s Conference
• Pennsylvania Media Attack Pro-Life Abortion-Ultrasound Bill
• Mississippi House OKs Pro-Life Bills: Ban, Limit Abortions
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Obama Kills Texas Women s Health Program Over Planned Parenthood
The Obama administration made it official today when HHS officials notified Texas authorities that the administration is killing a woman s health program because the state prohibited Planned Parenthood and abortion businesses from involvement.
The Department of Health and Human Services announced today that it will cut off all Medicaid funding for family planning to the state of Texas following the state s decision to implement a law Goverro Rick Perry signed that prohibits any business that does abortions from participating and receiving tax dollars via the program.
Cindy Mann, director of the Center for Medicaid and State Operations (CMSO), wrote Texas health officials today, according to a Huffington post report, and claims Texas broke federal Medicaid rules by discriminating against abortion businesses. In the letter, Mann places the blame at the feet of Texas rather than the Obama administration.
Report: Number of Planned Parenthood Clinics Declines Again
The number of clinics run by the Planned Parenthood abortion business has declined again, according to a new survey conducted by a watchdog group. The decline continues a six year trend showing a continuing decline in Planned Parenthood facilities and affiliates.
The evil empire of Planned Parenthood is indeed crumbling, says Rita Diller of Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP). On its way down, Planned Parenthood has abandoned any facade of fair play and is clawing at anything it can latch onto to eliminate the forces that stand in the way of its survival. Our survey reveals more reasons why Planned Parenthood is so desperate.
The STOPP survey showed a net decline of 37 facilities in 2011. It closed 47 facilities, while opening 11 and Planned Parenthood now operates a total of 749 facilities across the U.S. The number of facilities peaked at 938 in 1995 but, since then, Planned Parenthood has suffered a net decline of 189 facilities across the United States, or an average of 12 per year.
Obama s New Plan for Abortion on Demand at Your Expense
The Obama Administration has taken another step in what amounts to a four-year plan to make abortion-covering health insurance, subsidized by the federal government, commonly available in the United States.
The latest action came on March 12, when the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a lengthy regulation that spells out how some of the components of the massive 2010 Obama health care law ( ObamaCare ) will be implemented.
The new rule consuming 644 pages, including HHS s commentary is concerned mainly with the exchanges, which are the government-operated health insurance markets that must be established in every state by January 1, 2014. While states may retain responsibility for administering the exchanges, they must do so according to the detailed blueprints provided in the federal law and in federal regulations, including the new rule.
Pepsi Denies Using Aborted Fetal Cells for Flavor Testing
PepsiCo has come under fire from pro-life advocates because it has been contracting with a research firm that uses fetal cells from babies victimized by abortions to test and produce artificial flavor enhancers. Not it is denying those allegations.
In an article to media outlets like LifeNews that are write about pro-life advocates complaining about the testing, Jeff Dahncke, the Senior Director for Communications for PepsiCo writes: .
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First Lawsuit From Business Owner Challenges Obama HHS Mandate
A first-of-a-kind federal lawsuit has been filed against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on behalf of a business owner who contends the HHS contraceptive mandate violates his constitutionally-protected religious beliefs.
While most of the attention on the controversial new mandate has been focused on religious groups who are opposed to the Obama mandate forcing them to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions for their employees, this new lawsuit brings attention to religious employers who are not running church or church-related organizations.
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a pro-life legal organization that focuses on constitutional law, file the lawsuit on behalf of the Missouri employer. The lawsuit also requests that the court issue a permanent injunction prohibiting the HHS from requiring those who have religious objections to abide by the mandate, which requires employers to purchase health insurance for their employees that includes coverage for contraceptives, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs.
The Numbers Planned Parenthood Doesn t Want You to Know
We ve all heard Planned Parenthood s trite mantra that only 3% of their services are abortion procedures in order to downplay the pivotal role that service has to their financial stability. Their supporters (and sadly, many pro-lifers) have succumbed to believing that abortion is merely a small part of what Planned Parenthood is all about.
Here are the facts, straight from their most recent annual report and the Alan Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood s research arm.
Planned Parenthood provided a total of 11,003,336 services (breast exams, birth control, STD and pregnancy tests, abortions, etc) to three million clients in 2010. 329,445 of those services were actual abortion procedures. That s where the 3% claim comes from. If we use Planned Parenthood s logic, we can equate an invasive surgical abortion procedure to handing someone a condom.
Democrats Trash Romney on De-Funding Planned Parenthood
The national Democratic party is attacking Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney sending out a fundraising email looking for donations from pro-abortion activists upset he wants to cut Planned Parenthood funding.
As LifeNews reported, Romney said he would get rid of Planned Parenthood, the nation s biggest abortion business.
Answering a question from CNN affiliate KDSK of St. Louis, Romney listed a series of programs he would cut or eliminate as president in order to reduce the federal deficit.
You get rid of Obamacare, but there are others, Romney the station. Planned Parenthood, we re gonna get rid of that. The subsidy for Amtrak, I would eliminate that. The National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, both excellent programs, but we can t afford to borrow money to pay for these things.
They Lied Saying Obamacare Wouldn t Fund Abortions
When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, i.e., ObamaCare, was being debated in public and in Congress during 2010, Americans who supported life were told again and again that the legislation would not cover abortion. But like so many other aspects of Obama s healthcare overhaul, what was promised and what was received turned out to be two different things especially considering that many legislators read the bill only after they signed it into law.
40 Days for Life Saves 294 Babies From Abortion, So Far
I just got back from visiting the Roanoke, Virginia campaign, where 40 Days for Life is having a huge impact in the exact spot where lives are changed the public right of way outside the abortion center.
Should Pro-Lifers Participate in the Relay for Life?
Last month I published an episode of Life Report on a complicated moral question that is very practical for pro-life advocates: should we boycott companies that support human embryonic stem cell research?
Abortion Advocates: Men s Opinions Only Count If They Agree
The notion that men should have a say in abortion or reproductive rights seems preposterous to pro-choice groups.
Ireland Government Rejects UN Call to Legalize Abortion
The Irish government is drawing praise from pro-life advocates for rejecting a call from the United Nations and UN member states to legalize abortion.
South Dakota Becomes 15th to Cut Abortion in Obamacare
South Dakota has become the fifteenth state to cut abortion funding in the controversial Obamacare health care legislation that requires states to set up health insurance exchanges and Americans to purchase health insurance.
Pro-Life Youth Take Message to UN Women s Conference
Pro-life and pro-family youth from around the world arrived at the United Nations last week to represent the International Youth coalition (IYc) at the 56thSession of the Commission on the Status of Women. The conference is often dominated by feminist organizations promoting controversial agendas, such as reproductive rights and the legalization of prostitution.
Pennsylvania Media Attack Pro-Life Abortion-Ultrasound Bill
The media misinformation campaign against Pennsylvania s Women s Right to Know Act (House Bill 1077) continues.
Mississippi House OKs Pro-Life Bills: Ban, Limit Abortions
The Mississippi state House has approved different pro-life pieces of legislation including a measure that would prohibit webcam abortions that are dangerous for women and require admitting privileges for abortion practitioners.
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor and CEO Steven Ertelt is available to speak to your pro-life group or crisis pregnancy center to present a message about how the pro-life community is winning the abortion battle. Mr. Ertelt can help you fill a spot for a keynote speaker or workshop presenter for your event and help you stay below budget at the same time. For more information, email |
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