Tuesday, March 6, 2012

MIM gets Death Threats: "I will kill you all"


Dear Deacon

Our entire staff is now under a death threat as of Sunday. Frankly, we don't know how serious this is but we have notified the FBI. On Sunday, an email was sent anonymously through the contact form on our website saying, "I will kill you all."

This is not an isolated threat. We have been under a sustained attack for two full weeks now. I told you how two weeks ago our Executive Director, Dawn Hawkins, asked a man on a plane to stop viewing pornography when the flight attendant refused to help. She posted a video about the experience and it went viral on the Internet.

Then the porn industry's trade publication attacked Dawn and also hundreds of porn consumers weighed in with vicious or salacious comments against Dawn posted on the video and through emails to her and with phone calls both to her personal phone and our office phone. Next they tracked down her parents and began making threatening calls to their home. Then they got hold of the cell phone number of her brother and attacked him.

We know we have upset many with our very aggressive approach to the issue of pornography and numerous national projects. But, at Morality in Media, we also know that we are fighting a war on pornography - a real war.

Dawn did not back down. She came right back with another important video urging people to take a stand against pornography though the threats continue.

We are launching a new project to get all airlines to prohibit porn viewing on planes and in airports. It is one more expensive battle that needs to be fought in our pornified culture!

What Dawn and our staff is doing is dramatically changing the battle. We are generating heat to the other side. We are getting the U. S. Congress, and the public motivated to do something about the terrible pandemic of harm from pornography.

That is alarming to the porn industry, which has had its way for nearly all of the Internet Age.

Please help us today with our new project targeting the airlines. We need to keep porn off planes! Children walk up and down the aisles of planes to use restrooms. Decent women like Dawn are being forced to sit next to men devouring porn. Flight attendants are expected to continue their work in these hostile and extremely uncomfortable environments.

Help us today with a generous donation to fight this new battle. We won't give up our aggressive approach in this war on pornography but to keep it up, WE NEED YOU TODAY. Right now we need funds to get this project off the ground. We will soon need your action to help in other ways on the project. Please help financially if you can today by clicking here.

Patrick A. Trueman
President & CEO

P.S. We just discovered two other threats as I wrote this note to you. One is a death threat and the other urges violent action against Dawn. Please keep Dawn in your prayers.
