Saturday, March 10, 2012

Vice President Biden visits Our Lady of Guadalupe

From Fr. Jay Finelli's blog:
There was a great little story on the Catholic News Agency about Vice President Joe bid en’s visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. He prayed and was very moved. Here is part of the story below.
Vice President Biden arrived the evening of March 6, accompanied by the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Anthony Wayne. Placing flowers before the image, he knelt down to pray for a few minutes and afterward took out a white handkerchief to wipe tears from his eyes. [Biden is not a stoic, he was touched by Our Lady. Hopefully, the touch lasts, and inspires him to work for great good in our nation!]
In comments to reporters, an emotional Biden said, “My mother was very devoted to the Blessed Mother. [He's in good hands. Once you belong to Our Lady, she will always work to keep you faithful to her Son and His Church] She taught her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to seek the intercession of the Blessed Mother and I regret that she’s not here with us.”
“I’d rather not talk about the candidates,” he said in response to questions by reporters. “I had a wonderful day with the candidates, but I had a better day here. I would have come just for this. It’s a great treasure.” [I would say he was very deeply touched]
May I suggest that the Vice President study the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. That he gaze upon her belly, swollen with her unborn child – Our Lord Jesus Christ. He should also meditate on the human sacrifice that took place in the culture and was stopped immediately by Our Lady’s Apparition. Maybe, Mr. Biden is being used by Our Lady to begin a new work for the end of the “human sacrifice” we call abortion, taking place in our nation today.
And, all of us need to pray for Joe Biden, that he fully embrace his Catholic Faith as did many of the saints and martyrs of old. Could it be that Our Lady of Guadalupe is calling the Vice President to be a strong and vocal voice for the New Evangelization, like the one she began in Guadalupe?
About Fr. Jay Finelli
Father Jay Finelli is a priest of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence in the state of Rhode Island. He is a webmaster, podcaster, and blogger. In his free time, Father is an avid Live Steam enthusiast.
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