Wednesday, December 31, 2014

LifeNews Pro-Life News Report 12/31/14 Pro-Life News Report

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
Top Stories
• Parents Starve 22-Day-Old Baby to Death, Infant Dies in Car Seat as They Ate at Restaurant
• Planned Parenthood Annual Report: Abortion Biz Killed 327,653 Babies in Abortions in 2013
• My 14-Year-Old Daughter Was Told She Wasn’t Really Raped Because She Didn’t Have an Abortion
• Nicki Minaj: Abortion I Had as a Teenager “Has Haunted Me All My Life”

More Pro-Life News
• Brittany Maynard’s “Pro-Life” Uncle Defends Decision to Kill Herself in an Assisted Suicide
• Baby Survives Being Born 15-Weeks-Early, Now Her Family’s Helping Other Preemies
• Miracle Babies: Triplets Saved by Operation While They Were Still in the Womb
• Pope Francis: Life is Always Worth Living, Even When Seriously Ill
• New Experimental Adult Stem Cell Treatment Helps Those With MS
• In 2009 Jonathan Gruber Said There Will be Obamacare Death Panels

• Right to Privacy? Hundreds of Abortion Records Found Abandoned in Warehouse

• New Birth Control Implant Could Come With a Remote Control And Last for 16 Years
• Pennsylvania Abortions Drop to All-Time Low, Down 7% in 2013 as More Babies Saved

• Scotland MSPs Making Biggest Push Ever to Legalize Assisted Suicide
• Baby “Aborted” at 26 Weeks to Save Mother’s Life Survives, Now Healthy 10-Year-Old
• Maryland Doc Loses License After Suffocating Six People to Death in Assisted Suicides

Please help LifeNews with our end-of-year fundraising campaign. We've raised 80% of the $50,000 we need. Please click here to donate!

Parents Starve 22-Day-Old Baby to Death, Infant Dies in Car Seat as They Ate at Restaurant
On December 23, 22-day-old Betsey Stephens died from starvation and neglect after going at least seven hours without nutrition. Her parents, Ruby and Roy Stephens, discovered that their baby was unresponsive when they went to remove her from her car seat.

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Planned Parenthood Annual Report: Abortion Biz Killed 327,653 Babies in Abortions in 2013
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood has released its 2013 annual report and the new numbers indicate it did more abortions than the year before — killing 327,653 babies in abortions while taking in millions in taxpayer funds.

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My 14-Year-Old Daughter Was Told She Wasn’t Really Raped Because She Didn’t Have an Abortion
Four years ago, I was going through life like I had it all figured out — perfect family, perfect job, perfect home. Our proud military family was living the American dream — we had it all. On December 21, 2010 — the darkest day of the year, everything changed for us as a family.

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Nicki Minaj: Abortion I Had as a Teenager “Has Haunted Me All My Life”
Earlier this month, pop singer Nicki Minaj became the subject of news reports when a song of hers hinted at having an abortion. Assuming she was referencing her aborted baby in the tune, the song says the baby is an “angel looking over” her brother.

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Brittany Maynard’s “Pro-Life” Uncle Defends Decision to Kill Herself in an Assisted Suicide
The uncle of Brittany Maynard, the terminally ill cancer patient who committed suicide in November, has spoken out about his niece’s decision. In an interview with ABC News, Holmes admitted that he’s been pro-life his entire life but Brittany’s decision changed his mind about assisted suicide.

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Baby Survives Being Born 15-Weeks-Early, Now Her Family’s Helping Other Preemies
In April, Sanne Kamphorst arrived at Glasgow’s Southern General Hospital weighing a tiny 1Ib 14 oz. She was delivered 15 weeks early via emergency Cesarean section after her mother, Marloes, had an umbilical cord prolapse.

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Miracle Babies: Triplets Saved by Operation While They Were Still in the Womb
Abortion advocates say unborn babies are just cells or tissue, but we know they are human beings worthy of legal protection. Further evidence of their humanity is shown in how so many babies are now operated on surgically while in the womb to correct certain medical conditions.

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Pope Francis: Life is Always Worth Living, Even When Seriously Ill
In a year that saw assisted suicide advocates be applauded by the press, Pope Francis made some poignant commentary about the sanctity of life in his message for the World Day of the Sick, reminding the world that life is always worth living, regardless of the perceived “quality” of it.

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New Experimental Adult Stem Cell Treatment Helps Those With MS There maybe new hope for the millions of patients worldwide that suffer from multiple sclerosis, better known as MS.
In 2009 Jonathan Gruber Said There Will be Obamacare Death Panels Back in 09–when Obamacare advocates castigated those who worried that Obamacare would lead to rationing–Jonathan Gruber said get the law passed first, then refuse treatment later.

Right to Privacy? Hundreds of Abortion Records Found Abandoned in Warehouse According to ABC News, hundreds of abortion records have been found in a warehouse in Houston, Texas.
New Birth Control Implant Could Come With a Remote Control And Last for 16 Years In 2018, a new birth control implant may be available that has the same effects of some forms of oral contraception.
Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Pennsylvania Abortions Drop to All-Time Low, Down 7% in 2013 as More Babies Saved As national reports show abortions are declining to historic lows across the country, new information from the Pennsylvania health department confirms the Keystone state is a part of that trend.
Hundreds of Teen Girls in Scotland Have Had at Least Two Abortions Tragically, new figures out of Scotland show that hundreds of girls have had abortions before the age of 16.
Scotland MSPs Making Biggest Push Ever to Legalize Assisted Suicide In April, Margo Macdonald MSP passed away from Parkinson’s disease after introducing the “Assisted Suicide Bill” in Scotland; and now the Scottish Parliament is claiming that it is their most “robust” piece of assisted suicide legislation.
Baby “Aborted” at 26 Weeks to Save Mother’s Life Survives, Now Healthy 10-Year-Old Ten years ago Norelle Smith and fiancé Sandy Cameron were told that Norelle, then 26 weeks pregnant, had toxic pre-eclampsia.
Maryland Doc Loses License After Suffocating Six People to Death in Assisted Suicides A Maryland doctor has lost his medical license after suffocating six people to death in assisted suicides.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

LifeNews Pro-Life News Report 12/30/14 Pro-Life News Report

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
Top Stories
• Black Sheriff Says if Black Lives Mattered They’d Protest at Abortion Clinics
• Abortionist Who Sold Abortion Pills to Women Who Weren’t Pregnant Loses License
• CNN Names Brittany Maynard an “Extraordinary Person” in 2014 Because She Killed Herself
• Woman Pleads Not Guilty After Police Find Three Dead Babies in Closets, One Stuffed in Backpack

More Pro-Life News
• After Eight Years of Infertility, Mom Gives Birth to Two Sets of Twins
• We Asked for Your Stories of Miracle Births. The Ones You Shared Are Awe-Inspiring
• 1-Pound Premature Baby Survives as He Was Kept Alive in a Freezer Bag
• Duggar Family Legacy Continues: Daughter Jill Duggar Shows Off Baby Bump as Christmas Present
• Planned Parenthood Hires Abortion Doc Who Sang Hymns to Jesus During Abortions
• This Cellphone Company is Donating Hundreds of Thousands to Planned Parenthood

• Recent Cases Prove Babies Born to Brain-Dead Pregnant Women Can Survive

• 7 Ways Abortion Advocates Avoided Discussions in 2014 By Talking About Genitals Instead
• Activists Propose “Death Doulas” to Push Elderly and Disabled Into Assisted Suicide

• Hundreds of Teen Girls in Scotland Have Had at Least Two Abortions
• Chicago Abortion Clinic That Killed Four Women in Abortions Injures Three Women in Two Days
• Obama Administration Tricking Americans Into Funding Abortions

Please help LifeNews with our end-of-year fundraising campaign. We've raised 80% of the $50,000 we need. Please click here to donate!

Black Sheriff Says if Black Lives Mattered They’d Protest at Abortion Clinics
CNN’s Poppy Harlow interviewed Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke about the recent protests that some in the Black Community have sparked after the police related deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

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Abortionist Who Sold Abortion Pills to Women Who Weren’t Pregnant Loses License
Oklahoma abortionist Nareshkumar Gandalal “Naresh” Patel has lost his medical license after the state attorney general brought charges related to his selling the abortion drug to women who were not pregnant.

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CNN Names Brittany Maynard an “Extraordinary Person” in 2014 Because She Killed Herself
The media’s worship of the euthanasia movement is really becoming evident. CNN has named Brittany Maynard one of its “11 Extraordinary People of 2014.” I guess that means people who decide to go naturally–no matter how courageous their struggle–just aren’t worth noticing.

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Woman Pleads Not Guilty After Police Find Three Dead Babies in Closets, One Stuffed in Backpack
A Massachusetts woman has pleaded not guilty after authorities found the bodies of three dead babies in closets in her home. One of the babies reportedly lived for hours after birth. Erika Murray told police one of the three dead babies found in her squalid home was born alive and lived for a number of days before she discovered the infant dead.

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After Eight Years of Infertility, Mom Gives Birth to Two Sets of Twins
Her stunned face went viral earlier this year when Ashley and Tyson Gardner found out they were pregnant with quadruplets. More precisely, they were pregnant with a rare pregnancy involving two set of twin babies.

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We Asked for Your Stories of Miracle Births. The Ones You Shared Are Awe-Inspiring
When you hear the words “miracle birth” around Christmastime, you might think of one particular birth—the one that happened more than 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem involving a virgin mother named Mary.

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1-Pound Premature Baby Survives as He Was Kept Alive in a Freezer Bag
On December 22, 2013, Ellis Rogers’ life was saved after nurses placed him in a freezer bag to protect him from hypothermia. His parents, Emma and Matthew Rogers were concerned for their son’s life when Emma’s water broke five months early and she had to deliver him at 24-weeks fetal age.

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Duggar Family Legacy Continues: Daughter Jill Duggar Shows Off Baby Bump as Christmas Present
Jill Duggar, daughter of Bob and Michelle Duggar from the reality show, 19 Kids and Counting, celebrated Christmas with her family and shared with the world that she and her husband, Derrick are thankful for their baby that’s on the way.

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Planned Parenthood Hires Abortion Doc Who Sang Hymns to Jesus During Abortions Planned Parenthood abortionist Timothy Liveright, a former abortionist at Planned Parenthood of Delaware, has been hired by a new Planned Parenthood affiliate to do abortions.
This Cellphone Company is Donating Hundreds of Thousands to Planned Parenthood CREDO, a wireless carrier with mobile, long-distance, and credit card services, is on a mission to fund abortion through donations to groups like Planned Parenthood.

Recent Cases Prove Babies Born to Brain-Dead Pregnant Women Can Survive In previous articles, LifeNews has covered stories of babies who’ve survived after their mothers were declared “brain dead.”
7 Ways Abortion Advocates Avoided Discussions in 2014 By Talking About Genitals Instead Ah, 2014, we are sad to see you go. You’ve really thrown abortion advocates on their heels.
Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Activists Propose “Death Doulas” to Push Elderly and Disabled Into Assisted Suicide The Hippocratic Oath is one of the last remaining impediments to the complete deprofessionalization of medicine.
Hundreds of Teen Girls in Scotland Have Had at Least Two Abortions Tragically, new figures out of Scotland show that hundreds of girls have had abortions before the age of 16.
Chicago Abortion Clinic That Killed Four Women in Abortions Injures Three Women in Two Days When Pro-Life Action League national director Joe Scheidler arrived December 20 at the Albany Medical/Surgical Center abortion clinic .
Obama Administration Tricking Americans Into Funding Abortions Alliance Defending Freedom, the Charlotte Lozier Institute, and the Family Research Council voiced concern to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Unexpected successes


Planned Parenthood, El Cajon
Planned Parenthood, El Cajon

The following comes from a Dec. 27 email from the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants.

Today at FPA was a typical day. There were three counselors and up to about ten prayer warriors on the sidewalk throughout the morning.  Most couples took the information but continued on to the mill. Several couples shook their heads and refused any information.  We had a chance to speak again with different individuals waiting in the parking area who were there to “support their friends”.  They listened and many agreed they didn’t want this to happen, but couldn’t convince their friend not to go into the mill. We could only ask that they read through and keep the handouts, and we pointed out the post-abortion counseling information on the back of the pink handout.
A girl whom two of the counselors spoke with back in November, text messaged one of the counselors earlier this week telling her that she decided to keep her baby and that she is now three months pregnant.  When she left us at FPA, the counselors were unsure. One counselor had given the girl her phone number, letting her know that if she needed someone to talk to, they could meet up some time. She has decided to take the counselor up on this and they are planning to meet this upcoming week for coffee. The counselor stopped in at Life Choices in Poway and was given a bag full of things for the four-month-old baby the girl already has.
Recently a high school senior approached one of our Saturday prayer warriors on the sidewalk outside the El Cajon Planned Parenthood.  His girlfriend is pregnant and they were contemplating abortion.  He remembered seeing a group of people praying on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood and decided to go there and see if he could talk with someone. The prayer warrior spent two hours talking with the man and he decided to talk with his girlfriend about life for their baby.  Both the young man and his girlfriend have been in contact with our sidewalk counselor and she is helping them to get settled with all the things they need.
Thank you all for your continued prayers throughout this year in front of the abortion centers in San Diego County.  As a reminder, the following four clinics are where we are concentrating our efforts.

San Diego Planned Parenthood – First and Grape Street just north of downtown.  Surgical abortions done every day except Sunday.
Family Planning Associates (FPA) 7340 Miramar Road (at the pyramid building).  Surgical abortions done Saturday mornings.
North County Women’s Medical Clinic 120 South Craven, San Marcos. Surgical abortions done Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon.
El Cajon Planned Parenthood – 1685 East Main Street, El Cajon, chemical abortions, open Monday through Sunday.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB 12/29/14


Your Weekly Reflection
Blessed Christmas
“The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!”
The Book of Numbers 6:24–26
Dear Friends

This is the prayer of Moses for his people, and it easily becomes our prayer for this New Year. Yes we can spend some time to look back and review the national and personal high lights (and low lights) of the past year. The best thing to do is hand over the past year to the Lord, entrust it to his loving, compassionate care.  

And the coming year? Surely it will have a mixture of ups and downs. Yet it is good to recall the words of St. Augustine – and recall our part in making a difference in this New Year, God’s gift of time to us. St. Augustine writes:

Bad times, troublesome times. This is what people say: Let our lives be good and the times will be good. For we make our own times. Such as we are, such are the times.

Now is the time to move ahead, with joy and hope into this New Year, with God’s blessing and with renewed belief that Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us.
Rev. Peter Schineller, SJ
All praise and glory to You, Lord of all ages. You have brought us to the end of another year of service. We praise You for the gifts You have given us, and for the ways we have been led to use them for Your people and Your world. As we begin this New Year, let Your Son be our leader and Your Spirit our guide, Your word a lamp to our feet and strength to our hearts. Help us to work for Your honor and glory and for the salvation of all Your people. Praise and honor and glory are Yours, now and evermore. Amen. 
Copyright © 2014 CMMB, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
10 West 17th Street
New York, NY 10011

Saturday, December 27, 2014

This holiday season, will you help "Save a Girl"? (Matching Funds!)

Women's Rights Without Frontiers | Forced Abortion Is Not A Choice |

Lijuan, rescued from abandonment by our "Save a Girl" Campaign.
This holiday season, will you help “Save a Girl?”
A girl like Lijuan?

Lijuan’s parents already had one daughter, so when they found out they were pregnant again, they hoped to have a boy. Families in the countryside are “allowed” a second child if their first child is a girl. Like most families in the countryside, Lijuan’s parents regarded this second pregnancy as their last chance to have a boy.
When Lijuan’s mother was 8 months pregnant, she had an ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby. After learning that she was carrying a girl, Lijuan’s mother immediately resolved to “give her away” -- where, we don’t know. Some girls are left on the steps to orphanages or in public parks. Others are simply abandoned in fields to die.
Women’s Rights Without Frontiers was alerted and one of our fieldworkers rushed to Lijuan’s mother to encourage her not to abandon her daughter. So many of the mothers in our program are astonished that someone would take the trouble to travel to their doorsteps to tell them that girls have the same right to live and to be loved as boys – and who will back up that message with a monthly stipend to help them support their daughter for a full year.
Our fieldworker arrived just in the nick of time -- Lijuan was born earlier than expected. Thanks to the “Save a Girl” campaign, her mother had changed her mind and decided to keep her daughter. The life of a girl, a mother, and a family has been forever changed.
And that’s how change starts – we are ending gendercide in China, one baby girl at a time.
Double your impact! We have $5,000 in matching funds!
Would you consider becoming a monthly donor, a “GirlSaver?”
For only $25 per month or $300 per year, our GirlSavers have helped WRWF save at-risk baby girls in China, girls like Lijuan, who might not be alive and in the arms of their parents if one of our undercover fieldworkers had not met her mother and assured her that little girls are just as special as boys. Because of your generosity, we can continue to save girls and advance pro-girl/pro-woman values in China.


Your donation enables Women’s Rights Without Frontiers to continue to be a voice for the voiceless women and children of China. This huge effort comes at a cost. We need your support. Please give as generously as you can. Every donation makes a difference! Thank you for your generosity!

P.O. Box 54401 | San Jose, CA 95154

PO Box 54401 | San Jose, CA 95154 US

7 images that prove the humanity of preborn children

7 images that prove the humanity of preborn children

Images shape dialogue, and dialogue births change. Photographs that capture the Great Depression, the Holocaust, and the Civil Rights Movement are not only a testament of an era, but also examples of how photos are an effective tool for social change. The powerful images that fill the pages of history have initiated the struggle for justice and propelled human spirit.
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Video: Hecklers interrupt abortion debate, get unexpected rebuke

A University of Victoria abortion debate was interrupted by pro-abortion hecklers who did not feel that abortion “was up for discussion.” See what happened next:

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Organization supporting physician assisted suicide tricks pro-lifers into signing petition

When Katie Buck signed an online sympathy card for cancer patient Brittany Maynard, she had no idea her name would be placed on a petition supporting physician assisted suicide, and she had no reason to.

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The best of 2014 in the pro-life world

As 2014 draws to a close, celebrate – and share – some of the best pro-life quotes and movies of the year with us.

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Top 10 stupid quotes from pro-choice activists

Sometimes pro-choice activists say things that show they are completely out of touch with reality.

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Prenatal test accuracy called into question

The Boston Globe recently published an article on just how inaccurate these prenatal screenings can be and how that inaccuracy has led to the deaths of many healthy children, and countless children with disabilities, through abortion.

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Christianity and the War for Women

A common narrative in our society is that, by opposing abortion and infanticide, Christians are conducting a “war on women.” Sociologist Rodney Stark in a piece published by the Princeton University Press has a response worth reading.

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How to join the March for Life no matter where you are

The March for Life takes place on January 22, 2015 in Washington, D.C. Millions will march on the capital in support of the right to life, but millions of pro-lifers won’t be able to make the trip. If you’re one of them, you can still make a difference right at home.

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Parents of disabled baby arrange their child’s death by starvation

Charles L. Bosk, a writer and researcher, swrote about a couple that chose not to treat their disabled baby with routine surgery, but instead allowed the child to die:

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