Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Special Update from the Front Lines


I have two exciting and truly inspirational stories to share with you all—and both are from within our very own Marian Blue Wave! 
First, we go to the town of Three Bridges, NJ, where a group from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church gathers at the church every Sunday at 11am, rain or shine, to pray the Holy Rosary. 
The group started a year ago when Pope Francis asked the faithful to pray the Rosary for healing and an end to the pandemic. Now, more than a year later, its members continue to meet and pray and have since added in weekly prayers for our Marian Blue Wave intentions! 
Below are some photos on their one-year anniversary on May 1, 2021. 

Next, we head to Washington, NJ, and Phillipsburg, NJ, where a Marian Blue Wave group holds the front lines at a Planned Parenthood facility and a late-term abortion facility, respectively. 
The Planned Parenthood facility in Washington, NJ, has recently reduced its hours and is now open two days a week rather than four. 
This week, we received this incredible update from a Marian Blue Wave prayer partner regarding the Phillipsburg facility:
A few weeks ago, as we were standing outside the Phillipsburg facility, actually within two or three feet of their door, since the injunction allows two people to be there, suddenly the door opened and the abortionist was standing there. He asked us who was paying us to be there! I said that no one was paying us, and he said, “Well I will pay you $100 not to come back!” That was a first for me! By God's grace, our very small group seems to be causing him some consternation! 
This is the first time I have ever heard anything like this, but it confirms that our Marian Blue Wave is making an impact. 
To these incredible groups in NJ, keep up the great work! And for all of you who are praying at home, overseas, or in other states, you keep up the great work too! 
Our prayers, no matter where we say them, are united in our Marian Blue Wave intentions and in our desire for our Blessed Mother’s intercession. 
We are all here to lift up and inspire one another as we work together to end all abortion, shut down all Planned Parenthood and abortion facilities, and pray for Our Lord’s protection in the Holy Eucharist. 
If you or anyone you know has an inspiring story or a Marian Blue Wave victory you’d like to share, please send it to me. Large or small, your stories do have an incredible impact on others! 
View this story and others online here.
Yours in the Lord Who IS Life,

Katie Brown
Director, Marian Blue Wave
P.S. Thank you so much for your support; we cannot do this without you!
P.P.S Know someone who wants to join the MBW? Forward them this e-mail and they can join here!  

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