Monday, August 2, 2021

The Healthcare Cancel Culture



A Message from The Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization (HALO)


By Julie Grimstad
August 2, 2021


                          Conscience is the most sacred of all property.

                                                                                  James Madison

Conscience is the inner voice that gives a person the ability to recognize good and evil and choose between them. It is God speaking to a person. Nothing attests to the dignity our Creator has bestowed on humans more than this ability, which mere animals do not possess. It follows that coercing a person to act against his or her conscience violates human dignity and infringes on the person’s liberty to do what is good and avoid what is evil.
For healthcare workers who respect the sanctity of human life, participating in certain procedures – such as abortion, assisted suicide and euthanasia – is unthinkable.
Throughout the ages, numerous people have withstood merciless persecution for refusing to violate their consciences. That kind of courage is needed today when healthcare workers are bullied into providing “medical services” which they find morally repugnant. Some have even been forced out of their jobs for steadfastly adhering to their ethical or religious principles.


Unwanted: medical professionals with pro-life values
The notion that healthcare workers should be forced to do what they are told is not new. In 1985, the Second National Voluntary Euthanasia Conference (Britain) – “Good Life, Good Death Through Control and Choice” – featured Dr. Colin Brewer, a London psychiatrist. Addressing American participants, Brewer compared attitudes on euthanasia, abortion and contraception and explained how to coerce doctors into cooperating. He said, "First we ask if they will provide contraception and we won't pay them unless they do. It's amazing how quickly they change their minds."
The view that medical professionals have no right to refuse to provide “healthcare services” that are morally unacceptable to them is being embraced by more and more bioethicists. In 2015, Canadian Professor Udo Schuklenk of Queens University, editor-in-chief of the journal Bioethics, attacked conscientious objection:     
...........The very idea that we ought to countenance conscientious ...........objection in any profession is objectionable. Nobody forces ...........anyone to become a professional. It is a voluntary choice. A ...........conscientious objector in medicine is not dissimilar to a driver who joins a taxi company that runs a fleet of mostly ...........combustion engine cars and who objects on grounds of ...........conscience to drive those cars due to environmental concerns. 

He also stated, “Dying patients living in rural areas should not be subjected to an access-to-assisted-dying-lottery caused by conscientious objectors.” And “Conscience clauses today are by and large a concession of special rights to Christian health care professionals, at least in secular Western democracies." [2] In short, it is Schuklenk’s opinion that pro-life medical professionals, most notably Christians, should be forced to kill patients or quit practicing medicine. He is not alone.

In 2019, the Christian Medical and Dental Associations’ website shared an article about conscience rights in the US. The author reported, “Affordable Care Act architect Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel and University of Pennsylvania professor Ronit Stahl lay the foundation for getting rid of healthcare conscience protections in a New England Journal of Medicine opinion piece entitled, ‘Physicians, Not Conscripts — Conscientious Objection in Health Care.’ Their message is simple: Choice is a one-way street. Patients get to choose; doctors don’t—at least not after they enter the medical profession.” [Emphasis added.] [3]

A license to practice medicine should not be a mandate to murder.
We will not be silenced!
There was a time when Christians were considered of great benefit to society, not enemies to be crushed. Christians built hospitals, schools, and orphanages. The Church was renowned for her works of charity. Christians fed and clothed the poor, cared for the sick, instructed the ignorant, and generally promoted the common good.
Christians still do all those things but are now maligned and hindered in our efforts by those who want to cancel our consciences. But we are not cowards. We will not be silent. We will defend the conscience rights of healthcare workers and protest violations of human life with all the resources at our command until we draw our last breaths.
We pray for protection and strength for healthcare providers so that overbearing bullies will never be able to silence that inner voice which moves them to do good and avoid evil. 

Special note:
“In a ‘pro-choice’ assault on freedom of choice, the European Parliament has adopted a resolution that enshrines abortion as a ‘human right’ and targets the conscience rights of doctors who refuse to commit abortions.” – C-Fam (Center for Family & Human Rights), Letter from the UN Front, July 2021.

C-Fam reports that this resolution directs EU countries to remove “all limitations” on abortions during the COVID-19 emergency, endorses radical “comprehensive sexuality education,” and calls for bans on any therapy to help people with homosexual attraction or gender dysphoria to cope with or overcome their condition. This is not only an infringement on the conscience rights of healthcare providers who refuse to kill preborn babies, but also on parental rights to make healthcare decisions for their minor children. (For related information, see June 15, 2021,HALO Alert, June is Designated as "Pride Month": The Terrorism of Transgenderism (
[1] Jonah McKeown, “A Catholic healthcare worker objected to contraception. Her Catholic clinic fired her.” Catholic News Agency, Sept. 10, 2020
[2] “Conscientious objection in medicine: Private ideological convictions must not supersede public service obligations,” Udo Schuklenk’s Ethx Blog, March 26, 2015
 [3] Jonathan Imbody, “’Choose, You Lose’ Scheme threatens All Ethical Professionals,” Christian Medical and Dental Associations (

Notice: Must Watch Interview on "Brain Death"
Dr. Joseph Eble, friend of HALO, will be interviewed by Fr. Mitch Pacwa on EWTN Global Catholic Television Network: Catholic News, TV, Radio | EWTN for a full hour on Wednesday, August 4th at 7 pm Central Standard Time. Dr. Eble will be discussing the important topic of  "brain death." Plan on tuning in!

Want to Help HALO?


and be a Voice for the Medically Vulnerable. 

Thank you for your support! Our organization is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
If you would like to donate through the mail, please send checks only to:
HALO, 7301 Bass Lake RD, Minneapolis, MN 55428.


The mission of the Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization is to promote, protect, and advocate for the rights of the medically vulnerable through direct patient and family interactions; through intercessory prayer; through community education and awareness programs; and through promotion and development of concrete *"life-affirming healthcare"* alternatives for those facing the grave consequences of healthcare rationing and unethical practices, especially those at risk of euthanasia and assisted suicide.

*"Life-affirming healthcare" is defined as medical care in which the paramount principle is the sanctity of life, which means that the life and safety of each person come first and each person receives medical care across their lifespan based on their need for care and never with an intention to hasten death, regardless of their abilities or perceived "quality of life."

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