Monday, August 7, 2023



Help Pregnant Women!

Nearly 350,000 women have been served by Pennsylvania's Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services program. But now, the Governor has announced he intends to cancel the Commonwealth's contract with the award-winning Real Alternatives, which administers the program.  Please send a message now to your state lawmaker to protect this critical program from harm! 



from the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

In a shocking decision, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has announced that he intends to allow Pennsylvania’s contract with Real Alternatives to expire at the end of the year.

Real Alternatives administers Pennsylvania’s Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services program, which funds pregnancy resource centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies throughout the Commonwealth.

Without this program, thousands of pregnant women across PA could lose the comprehensive support and counseling they need during their pregnancies—and 12 months afterward.


1.    Please call Governor Shapiro’s office and ask that he reverse his decision to cancel Real Alternatives’ contract. The number to call is:  717-787-2500.

2.    Please email and call your state representative and state senator and urge them to take action to stop Real Alternatives’ contract from being cancelled. You can send an immediate message by clicking here.

Thank you for taking these critical actions. Pregnant women throughout Pennsylvania are counting on you!


Maria Gallagher

Legislative Director, Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation 

PA Pro-Life Federation | 4800 Jonestown Rd., Suite 102, Harrisburg, PA 17109