The first 40 Days for Life campaign 20 years ago was designed as a one-time endeavor to stem a growing abortion rate in one city: College Station, Texas...
...until that abortion rate dropped by 28 percent, and the world came knocking. Since then, 40 Days for Life has spread to more than 60 countries worldwide--a number that continues to grow.
The latest country to launch a 40 Days for Life vigil is Jamaica. 40 Days for Life director of international campaigns Robert Colquhoun and director of medical affairs and education Dr. Haywood Robinson recently visited the island nation to rally the new campaign team.
"The first day of the 40 Days for Life campaign in Jamaica was explosive, with abortion supporters very angry at the presence of the prayer vigil," Robert said.
The abortion advocates were right to be concerned, as the vigil has already saved six babies from abortion!