Dear Friends:
It is with great pleasure that we introduce Katie Brown as the new National Director of American Life League.
Katie has served as ALL’s director of communications for the last four years and has led our Marian Blue Wave program since 2019. She has established an incredible media presence, having been featured numerous times by One America News Network, Catholic World Report, Relevant Radio, Radiant Magazine, and LifeSiteNews.
Ten years ago, Katie began at ALL as a college intern working for the late Jim Sedlak, who had a profound influence on her. Katie stated: “I have filled some of Jim Sedlak’s former position, but not all, as that is an impossible role to fill. As national director, I will assume the task of program direction and policy creation for American Life League. Jim was an incredible example of fortitude and relentless determination to fight the good fight in the face of the world’s deception and scorn. His commitment to our Blessed Mother is one I share, and I pray for her intercession as we battle the greatest evil of our time.”
Katie shared, “With a passion for what my grandmother founded 45 years ago, I have made it my mission to defend the vulnerable. My career at American Life League has been one that grew on the job. I worked as an intern, led communication efforts, traveled and spoke nationally, attended trade shows, gave countless interviews, and now I proudly serve as the national director. My work and responsibility may have grown, but the mission is still the same. Everything I do is in honor of my grandmother, Judie Brown, who reminds us daily that ‘it’s about the babies.’”
Judie asked me to share her comments with you: “It is with humble pride and joy that we announce Katie’s new role. The heritage is obvious. Katie has the total competence, acumen, determination, faith, and heart to address the task before her and to make it her own. Katie is articulate, intelligent, and committed. I am proud to proclaim that Katie is my potential successor, and I’m grateful to God for her willingness to give it a go. Please pray for her and praise God for her as well.”
And, my friend, as I have witnessed the heroic battle waged by my mother Judie Brown for the last 50 years, it is one that has inspired our family beyond measure, saved countless lives, and helped mold Katie Brown as a champion for life.
Growing up, Katie witnessed firsthand our family engaging in the fight for life. Her passion, kindness, intelligence, love of family, and her devotion to our Catholic faith will inspire the next generations of Americans to truly build a culture of life as intended by almighty God.
Our family has dedicated our lives to fighting for the least of these. Saint John Paul II wrote in Evangelium Vitae, ‘We are facing an enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil, death and life, the culture of death and the culture of life. We find ourselves not only faced with but necessarily in the midst of this conflict: we are all involved, and we all share in it, with the inescapable responsibility of choosing to be unconditionally pro-life.’”
My role as executive VP at ALL will continue, and Judie will continue as our president.
We believe we must improve our messaging, seeking always to be instruments in the conversion of the hearts and minds of young Americans, especially women. We are called to reach them where they are and to teach the value of chastity and the value they have as unique and beautiful creatures made in the image and likeness of God.
We have to “make morality cool” again. We must help educate both young men and women about the value of respecting themselves and following the truth written on their hearts by our Creator.
We have a very aggressive plan to build new programs to reach and educate our youth and young adults by using social media and appearances to teach them the truth. Katie is the perfect person to lead this battle.
She has our full support, and we ask for yours.
Every day it seems the culture is sliding further into darkness. But we have hope, we have faith, and we have the courage to stand for what is right. Please keep ALL and Katie in your prayers. Please support us today with a generous gift in support of the fight.
God love you and bless you,

Hugh Brown
Executive Vice President
American Life League
PS: Your gift today is the fuel we need to engage the culture of death, head on.Thank you for your continued support!
