Saturday, April 13, 2024

Why are you out here harassing women?'


April 13th, 2024| Abortion and pro-life issues, Western Front

  • Bishop Joseph Coffey addressing Rosary procession in front of Planned Parenthood April 6.

Routine day at San Diego’s Planned Parenthood,
Mr. Goatee guard on duty today, so some customers were let in through the back door…many however, came in from the street this morning.
Observed three young ladies (mid-20’s) arrived by Uber, go in with folders in hand,,……two came back out, went shopping (returned with a pink blanket?)….then all three left several hrs later ..???
Two couples & two singles in the door by 08:00…..1st was a single walking up ~7:20, & let in by the guard

One young man (late 20’s) who brought in his girlfriend stopped to chat after he came out. I was able to share with him and get a Bible track in his hands, but he had no interest in trying to contact & change his girlfriend’s mind….”it was her decision” and she was “strong willed” etc despite advising about “other options”. He said he was not a Christian so we briefly discussed why we were out there & what we believed and why we felt it wrong to be doing what they are doing. He was nice in carrying out a conversation but adamant about, “well you can believe what you want & I can believe what I want” attitude.

Only one single took time to stop & listen briefly….took all the handouts, but said she was there just for birth control and went in.

Just prior to us leaving, we had a random guy (early 30’s) stop his car on the street (next to some parked cars) & walk around behind me, then face to face with me and started up with the usual “why are you out here harassing women, don’t you know everyone has the right to do whatever the “f” they want”……
Well long story short, I asked him why he was out here harassing me….we went back & forth with the usual stuff for maybe 2 minutes.., but it was obvious there was no way this guy would ever engage in a “reasonable” discussion.
He was so angry he was shaking. For some reason I felt a total calm come over me while he was ranting, and finally Mr. Goatee came forward to indicate to him his car was causing a bit of a traffic jam out there on the street….so he finally walked back to his car ranting away & drove off.
On a more positive note, earlier in the morning, a lady stopped & parked out front, got out to get something out of her trunk. She said to me as I was standing there, “I’m glad you are out here, just before leaving.

Bishop Coffey returns to Planned Parenthood

We were pleased to be joined by Bishop Joseph Coffey for our First Saturday Rosary procession to Planned Parenthood downtown. The Bishop gave an inspiring talk we all needed to hear at the conclusion of our prayers. You can view the talk on You Tube.
– Helpers of God’s Precious Infants

Bishop Coffey, auxiliary bishop for the Military Archdiocese, spent time in jail as part of Operation Rescue before he became a priest. When stationed five years ago at the nearby Marine Corps Recruit Depot, he joined the Rosary group in front of Planned Parenthood most Saturday mornings.

“We are little flames poorly sheltered by frail walls against the storm of dissolution and madness, in which we flicker and sometimes almost go out.”
– All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque