Thursday, October 24, 2024

40 Days For Life: DAY 30: We've NEVER Seen This Before!


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After Roe v. Wade was overturned, angry abortion advocates took to social media to demand that men be forced to have vasectomies.

Some pro-lifers even suggest sterilization and contraception as solutions to the abortion crisis...but there's nothing pro-life about destroying one's capacity to bring new life into the world.

Bob, a 40 Days for Life participant in Concord, California, engaged in conversation with a young man...but before they could finish, the young man needed to step aside to take a phone call.

By the time he returned to the vigil to resume the conversation, Bob had to leave.

Marlene, the vigil leader, assumed the two had been discussing abortion and offered the man a pin depicting the feet of a 10-week-old baby in the womb.

The man began weeping. "I was going to have a vasectomy," he said. "But I have decided not to go through with it. I am going in to cancel it."

Instead, the man booked another, very different appointment.

"This man [Bob] inspired me to go talk to a priest instead," the young man said. "I just made an appointment to do so. I have to go back to God."

The man wiped his tears away, entered Planned Parenthood, and returned to the vigil with the cancellation papers in his hands and a smile on his face.

"God is good!" Marlene proclaimed. Amen!

Lutherville, Maryland

Lindsay and her team observed a heartbreaking sight as the Department of Corrections transported a prisoner in an orange jumpsuit to the abortion facility to end the life of her child.

"I attempted to give her resources!" Lindsay reported. "We do not know the outcome."

Tyler, Texas

Lars and Neil prayed in front of Planned Parenthood when a couple pulled in to the parking lot...and slammed their vehicle into the concrete curb.

The bumper was clearly damaged, but the couple remained undaunted as they went in for their appointment.

An hour later when it was time to leave, Lars waved them over, reattached their bumper, and got them back on the road.

"The young couple was very appreciative," Lars reported.

And better yet, the fender-bender gave Lars the opportunity to share pro-life and pregnancy help resources with them!

"I hope the young couple felt the compassion we have for them and our willingness to help," Lars continued. "May God change their hearts and have them choose LIFE."

And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me. … See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.”

--Matthew 18:5, 10

Lord, keep every child free from harm. Especially in moments of despair, help them to sense the presence of your angels watching over them. Provide a loving home for every child in need, and strengthen and sustain adoptive and foster parents to imitate your fatherly care. Amen.

For life,

Shawn Carney

President & CEO, 40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life | 4112 East 29th Street | Bryan, TX 77802 US