Thursday, October 24, 2024

USCCB: Day 3 of Respect Life Month Novena


Healing After Abortion

          en español

*If you or someone you know is suffering from participation in abortion, confidential, compassionate help is available. Visit



May all who suffer after participation in abortion find healing in Christ’s unending mercy.


Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be


From the beginning of creation, throughout Scripture, and most perfectly in the life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus, God has revealed Himself as love itself. In His infinite love for us, God desires nothing more than to forgive our sins and offer us His mercy. Many sadly believe that abortion is “the unforgivable sin,” but God desires to forgive every sin, including the sin of abortion.

No sin is unforgiveable, and no sinner is beyond redemption. We have all failed and we are all in need of God’s mercy. It is for this very reason that Christ suffered, died, and rose again. Christ came to offer us His infinite love and mercy, and we can receive it in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Throughout salvation history, God has welcomed repentant sinners with special joy. In the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus assures us that, “there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance” (Lk 15:7). Jesus never rejects a humble and contrite heart. With confidence, let us run into the outstretched arms of Christ’s mercy.


Abstain from your usual coffee or tea today.

  • Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for today’s intention.
  • Offer some other sacrifice, prayer, or act of penance that you feel called to do for today’s intention.


By the age of 45, as many as 1 in 4 women have had an abortion, and a similar number of men and family members have been involved. Many suffer for years in silence, yet Christ desires nothing more than to offer them the fullness of His forgiveness and healing. Learn how you can share a message of hope and mercy with those who have been wounded by abortion in “Bridges of Mercy for Healing After Abortion.”

NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission. Copyright © 2023, USCCB, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.

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