Monday, February 12, 2007


E. The denial of personhood of the unborn is no different from the denial of personhood of blacks by the Dredd Scott decision.
ROE v. WADE, DOE V. BOLTON. Decision and arguments


The denial of the personhood of blacks in 1857 by the Supreme Court decision on the Dredd Scott case was based on the concept that, " . . . by popular agreement, the Negro race is inferior and not human." (Does this change the biological reality of their humanity?)

The denial of the personhood of the unborn in 1973 by the Supreme Court decision in the Roe v. Wade decision was based on what Justice Blackman called, " . . . (being consistent) with the demands of the profound problems of the present day."

(Therefore the problems of the present day can deny personhood to blacks one day, the unborn the next and to anyone whom a society determines to be a profound problem.)

[to be continued]