Thursday, July 17, 2008

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Gerry M. Kaye
July 16, 2008; 10:34 A.M.; PT
One of the most partisan, divisive, dis-unifying, anti-majority-will of the American people, defiant of High Court ruling pieces of proposed legislation to
come down the pike, the 'Freedom Of Choice Act', is being pushed by the Democrat presidential candidate, Barack Obama.

Barack Obama's partisan support of the 'Freedom Of Choice Act', is contentiously divisive, from a candidate who proclaims he'll bring unity. Senator Obama, in his speeches, states that he supports the 'Freedom Of Choice Act' to make abortion federally, permanently protected and to rescind the Supreme Court decision to uphold the ban on partial-birth abortion.

Someone should point out to Mr. Obama and his agreeing congressional friends, that the United States is not a dictatorship. The will of the great majority of Americans, its laws and Supreme Court rulings do matter and are taken seriously: to preserve the system and its law and order.