Friday, March 16, 2012 Donate - Subscribe to Daily News - Unsubscribe - Update Your Info - Send News Tips |
Click here to View Full Text, With Photos, of all Today's Stories On One Page Current Spring Campaign total is $21,150. Thank you! $79,000 still needed In the next 11 days (NOT including what LSN also needs in the coming months for its legal defense). Please make a generous donation. Pray for the success of this campaign if you are unable to contribute. We need and appreciate that as well. |
The announcement, made on the eve of St. Patrick's day, was greeted with enthusiastic praise by Planned Parenthood and NARAL. | | |
“The worst part about this is we have children who are 9, 10, 11, 12 years old children playing these games,” David Caton, president of the Florida Family Association told | | |
As the routine ultrasound was being performed, Nicole could tell that something was definitely up. Then the doctor told her her son had spina bifida. | | |
For many segments of the population, the realm of demonic activity and exorcisms stays in the movie theater. | | |
Meanwhile, the U.S. bishops say that the mandate will directly lead to the closure of hundreds of Catholic hospitals. | | |
Twice in 10 years, state abortion clinics refused to notify the state about patients who died during an abortion, state senators learned. | | |
A deluge of angry retorts have poured in from others in the entertainment industry, with some calling Cameron "a complete tool," a "douchebag," and "an accomplice to murder." | | |
Obama's Food and Drug Administration has approved experiments using brain tissue from aborted unborn babies to treat macular degeneration. | | |
"Our 2011 survey shows Planned Parenthood is moving out of communities at an ever-increasing rate," said Jim Sedlak, head of Stop Planned Parenthood International. | | |
The Peterborough Catholic school board says they are reviewing an equity pamphlet after complaints over their decision to include the Catechism's teaching that the homosexual inclination is "objectively disordered." | | |
Sometimes … the abortionist just stops showing up! | | |
The ruling effectively upholds French law, which does not recognize gay 'marriage,' and prohibits gay adoption. | | |
What is Planned Parenthood hiding? | | |
Pro-aborts believe that when it comes to abortion, men should just shut up. Unless of course those men want to give women the money for it. | | |
I received a forward from a friend at work the other day that contained a link. No description, just a blank email with a link. | | |
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