Matt C. Abbott
I applaud each and every pro-lifer who peacefully and prayerfully witnesses outside an abortion mill, including those at the Planned Parenthood facility near downtown Chicago: Lynn V., Darlene D., David A., Cathy and Packey A., Stephanie K., Ernestine S., Dan J., Kathryn D., Sharon G., Gerardo and Sarah R., Tim A., and everyone else. Below are a few photos of the prayer warriors.
Also of note:
The Illinois-based Pro-Life Action League and the Michigan-based Citizens for a Pro-Life Society have organized the Nationwide Rally for Religious Freedom, which will be held March 23 in 118 cities across the U.S.
For more information, visit
Matt C. Abbott is a Catholic columnist with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication, Media and Theatre from Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, and an Associate in Applied Science degree in Business Management from Triton College in River Grove, Ill. He has worked in the right-to-life movement and is a published writer focused on Catholic and social issues. He can be reached at