Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Stemberger Responds to the Boy Scouts of America's Decision to Allow Transgendered Boys (Girls) to Enroll in Scouting Programs

Stemberger Responds to the Boy Scouts of America's Decision to Allow Transgendered Boys (Girls) to Enroll in Scouting Programs

Contact: Amber Kelly, 850-567-8143, AmberK@FLfamily.org
ORLANDO, Jan. 31, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- John Stemberger, founder of On My Honor, Chairman of the Board of Trail Life USA, and President of the Florida Family Policy Council released the following statement in light of the Boy Scouts of America's announcement that they would be allowing transgender boys (biological girls who want to become boys) to enroll in scouting programs:
"This is a profoundly sad but inevitable decision on the part of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The 'key three' leadership of the BSA assured its membership less than four years ago when they voted to allow openly gay boys in the program that this would never happen. Now untold thousands of boys in Scouting will be directly exposed to the serious psychological confusion that is characterized by those claiming to be transgender. As a society, we should have great compassion for children suffering from gender dysphoria while getting them proper counseling and professional help. Instead, the BSA is encouraging and facilitating a recognized mental disorder that has far reaching consequences to the health and safety of children. Recently, the American College of Pediatricians released a formal position paper entitled 'Gender Identity Harms Children' urging those working with children 'to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex.'
"Further, knowing that boys and biological girls will be showering, dressing and camping in tents together create a clear child protection issue which is being ignored. It's simply stunning that a leading youth organization which parents entrust the protection of their children with has opted to again appease political activists rather than follow clear, common-sense best practices for child protection.
"In light of this decision, parents across America are even more grateful for Trail Life USA, the distinctly Christian scouting organization for boys and young men, which focuses on adventure, character, and leadership in its 700 troops in 48 states across the country. Trail Life CEO Mark Hancock responded to the decision by saying, 'Trail Life USA is saddened to see this decision by the BSA. We assure our members and chartering organizations that we are committed to the timeless Biblical values affirmed in our Statement of Faith and Values.'"
For media interviews or more information contact:
Amber Kelly at AmberK@FLfamily.org

Monday, January 30, 2017

LifeNews Report: President Trump Will Announce Supreme Court Nominee Tuesday

LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report

Monday, January 30, 2017

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com.
Top Stories• President Donald Trump Will Announce Supreme Court Nominee Tuesday: “I’ve Made My Decision”
• Senate Democrats Will Filibuster President Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee No Matter Who It Is
• Vice-President Mike Pence Invites Pro-Life Leaders to the White House, Obama Had Abortion Activists
• Black Pastor: “People Cry for Harambe, But They Have no Love for Babies Killed Every Day” in Abortions

More Pro-Life News
• Majority of Americans Agree With President Trump’s Decision to Stop International Abortion Funding
• Pro-Life Groups Urge Senate Committee to Confirm Pro-Life Rep. Tom Price as HHS Secretary
• Heartbreaking Video Shows You What 58 Million Babies Killed in Abortion Looks Like
• Nurse Fired Three Times Because She Wouldn’t Help Kill Babies in Abortions Files Lawsuit
• Doctor Euthanizes Patient With Dementia, Secretly Put Lethal Drugs in Her Coffee
• Pro-Life Legislator Receives Death Threats After Proposing Bill to Ban Abortions
• Miracle Twins Who Survive Birth at 23 Weeks Prompt Call to Ban Late-Term Abortions
• Networks Give Pro-Abortion “Women’s March” Three Times Move Coverage Than March for Life
• Abortion Clinic Closes After Attempting to Evade State Laws, 3rd Abortion Clinic Shut Down in 2017
• People Magazine Reported More on Pro-Abortion “Women’s March” Than President Trump Inauguration
• Netherlands Will Use $10 Million to Pay for Abortions After Trump Defunds Intl Planned Parenthood
• Abortion Doc: “Extracting a Fetus, Piece By Piece, Was Bad For My Sleep”
• Abortionist Hid Ultrasound From Patient, But Her Friend Saw It And Was Haunted Forever
• Scientists Create Human-Pig Hybrids for Organ Transplants That Could Develop Into “Monsters”

President Donald Trump Will Announce Supreme Court Nominee Tuesday: “I’ve Made My Decision”
President Donald Trump indicated today that he will announce his Supreme Court nominee on Tuesday. The president previously said he would pick a “truly great Justice.”
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Senate Democrats Will Filibuster President Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee No Matter Who It Is
President Trump hasn’t even announced who his Supreme Court nominee will be and already Senate Democrats have announced their intention to use the filibuster to oppose his nomination.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Vice-President Mike Pence Invites Pro-Life Leaders to the White House, Obama Had Abortion Activists
Just ahead of the March for Life, pro-life leaders received a special invitation to visit with Vice President Mike Pence at the White House.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Black Pastor: “People Cry for Harambe, But They Have no Love for Babies Killed Every Day” in Abortions
Bishop Vincent Mathews Jr. of the Church of God in Christ issued a strong call to Americans to stand up against the injustice of abortion on Friday during the March for Life.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Majority of Americans Agree With President Trump’s Decision to Stop International Abortion Funding
This past Monday, pro-life President Donald Trump made it abundantly clear the United States will no longer use taxpayer dollars to support organizations that promote the killing of unborn children in developing nations.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Pro-Life Groups Urge Senate Committee to Confirm Pro-Life Rep. Tom Price as HHS Secretary
A Senate committee will vote tomorrow on the nomination of pro-life Congressman Tom Price to be Secretary of the health and human services department.
Cli ck to Read at LifeNews.com.

Heartbreaking Video Shows You What 58 Million Babies Killed in Abortion Looks Like
Pro-lifers are nothing if not creative. Over the decades, they have produced thousands upon thousands of “visual aids,” from the simplest black and white one-sheeter to full-blown movies—and everything in-between..
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Nurse Fired Three Times Because She Wouldn’t Help Kill Babies in Abortions Files Lawsuit
A Swedish nurse midwife who was fired three times for refusing to help abort unborn babies has not given up her legal fight to protect her conscience rights.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.
People Magazine Reported More on Pro-Abortion “Women’s March” Than President Trump Inauguration
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Sunday, January 29, 2017

9 Days for Life: Day Nine: For Those on the Path of Adoption

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January 29, 2017
For God’s peace to fill the hearts of all who travel upon the path of adoption.

Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be


The Letter to the Hebrews reminds us to “hold fast to the hope that lies before us. This we have as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm” (Heb 6:18-19). We pray that all who are involved in the adoption process would be filled with the hope of Christ and “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding” (Phil 4:7). We also remember that we too can cling fast to this anchor of hope, for we have received “a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, ‘Abba, Father!’” (Rom 8:15). May our loving Father envelop each of us in his love today and open our eyes in faith that we may see and rejoice in his love.
Acts of Reparation (choose one)
One Step Further

Maya*, who placed her child for adoption, gives nine suggestions for offering ongoing support in “Accompanying Expectant Mothers Considering Adoption.” In “An Adoption Love Story,” Jenny* shares her and her husband’s story of adopting their son, Andrew. Read about some of the challenges, concerns, and joys on their journey in this article. (supplemental reference information)
Click the image to download,
then share using the hashtag #9DaysforLife!

(To also share today's prayer & action guide, 
include the following link in your post: http://bit.ly/2017day9)

*Names changed for privacy.
NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.
Did You Know?
The Respect Life Program brochures are available for order and for free download to use as bulletin inserts, handouts, and more!
Hope after Abortion

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