Thursday, August 20, 2020

FAQ about Planned Parenthood

Do you know why it can be so hard to learn the truth about human life issues?

Because the culture of death works from the top down. They take control of the Supreme Court, the media, medical organizations, and any other authority they can get their hands on. Their goal is to convince you that you are all alone in the fight for life.

You are not alone. We are with you. The world is full of faithful pro-lifers just like you, connected through the HLI family. Together, we are exposing the truth.

This week, read about what a Biden-Harris presidency could mean for you and other pro-lifers. Also, how did the APA force the "gay" social dogma onto the medical community? And if the culture of death is pro-"choice," then why does it support forced abortion?

Don't swallow the lies. Keep asking the tough questions. Speak up.

You are the voice of the pre-born. 

John Martin

Executive Vice President
Mission Advancement

The nation’s largest abortion provider hides behind a veneer of marketing and misinformation. But beneath the smoke and mirrors, the facts speak for themselves.


Homosexual activists often mention that the American Psychological Association officially removed homosexuality from its list of “mental disorders” in 1973. However, they don't mention why the APA did this.


Of all the slogans of the pro-abortion movement, "pro-choice" has turned out to be the biggest lie of all. Leaders of the so-called “pro-choice” movement have always vocally supported forced abortion and contraception.


As if we needed any further proof of the Democrat party’s extremism, Joe Biden picked for his running mate a woman who recently appeared to suggest that believing Catholics are, by definition, unfit to be judges.


I try very hard not to let my emotions get the best of me, but I could not contain my outrage when a colleague recently shared a story about a young pregnant woman being aggressively pressured by medical staff to abort her innocent baby.


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