Friday, August 28, 2020

Pray for Life: Access to Quality Healthcare

Featuring monthly intentions in support of...

August 2020


May mothers and their children have access to quality, life-affirming medical care.


Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be


In Evangelium vitae,
Pope St. John Paul II wrote that, “A mother welcomes and carries in
herself another human being, enabling it to grow inside her, giving it
room, respecting it in its otherness” (
EV 99).
Often the first and most basic way that a mother welcomes and cares for
her child is by attending to her own health. In doing so, she
ultimately contributes to the wellbeing of her child, as the health of
mother and child are inextricably connected. After her child is born, a
mother’s devoted care continues as she nurtures this new life and
attends to her child’s every need.

As healthcare
costs continue to rise, obtaining access to adequate medical care can be
challenging, particularly for single women in poverty. According to
2014 statistics, 75 percent of women who chose abortion were low income.
The financial strain of medical care can often place significant
burdens on both pregnant and parenting mothers. 2016 data from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that 15 percent of
women in the United States received inadequate prenatal care. As we walk
with mothers in need, we pray that our efforts will help mothers and
their children gain access to quality, life-affirming medical care and
address this fundamental need.

Acts of Reparation (Choose one.)

  • This month we
    celebrated the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, body and soul,
    into heavenly glory. Seek the Blessed Mother’s intercession for mothers
    and children by offering a
     Rosary for this month’s intention.

  • Give
    up sleeping on your pillow one night. Offer this small sacrifice for
    mothers and children who have difficulty accessing adequate medical

  • Offer some other sacrifice, prayer, or act of penance that you feel called to do for this month’s intention.

One Step Further

On August 27, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Monica,
mother of St. Augustine. Monica spent much of her life as a single,
widowed mother, dedicated to caring for her children. May we seek her
intercession for all mothers facing difficulties.