Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Systemic Violence Begets Hatred by Judie Brown

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by Judie Brown

It has been so long since America lived through Griswold v. Connecticut, followed by Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton,
 that our citizenry may not realize that our current national plague of
 systemic violence has roots. But really, it is not at all surprising.

If  you are wondering how Supreme Court decisions dealing with human
 sexuality could lead to mayhem, murder, and a general disregard for
 human dignity, let us explain.

French archbishop Michel Aupetit explains that a lack of appreciation for the gift of fertility is the beginning. He argues that rejection of Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae
by  Catholics—including many members of the hierarchy—led to an
acceptance  of contraception and abortion. In the midst of this
calamitous shift  away from “genuine loving interpersonal relations” there came a “corrosive shift in the way people think about parenthood and childbearing.”

At this point, the human family began to disintegrate, and systemic violence took root, first by the slow disappearance of men as the head of the family, and at the same time, the emergence of women’s liberation as a way of life.

Rejection of fertility as the norm was the first fatality. That was followed by chemical and mechanical interventions to avoid pregnancy and the elimination
of  the preborn baby by an act of direct killing. In this milieu,
systemic  violence took root, and from there things both sexual and
cultural have  only gotten worse.

Contraception can and does kill, maim, and alter natural cycles in women. As Nebraska bishop James Conley explains:

Contraception  conditions men and women, and therefore the
cultures which they form,  to deny the obvious and intrinsic
relationship between sex and the  conception of new life. Contraception
pits couples into a kind of  unknowing war with themselves. . . . It is
as if they are saying to one  another, “yes, I’m yours, but not all of
me.” This subtle and unknowing  war with the partner and with the self
inevitably leads to alienation,  to atomization, and, eventually, to a
kind of loneliness.

Alienation,  manipulation, distrust, and disregard for the uniqueness
of the human  person are just some of the repercussions. If that is not
a path to  hostility, I do not know what is.

Americans  in general do not want to get to the root cause of
systemic violence  because a desire to dig deeper would create
discomfort, so why bother?  Blame it on some radical group, a political
party, or a respectable  entity like a local police department and move

While  such trivial excuses summarize the prevailing attitude today,
we know  that babies are still dying, women and men are still suffering,
and  families are in shambles. The deadly carnage resulting from the
sexual  revolution obliges us to bring it to the attention of anyone
with ears  to hear.

Believe  me, politicians will never do it. Judges will not
acknowledge their  roles in it, and far too many religious leaders
prefer to turn a blind  eye than confront the evil in our midst.

At this moment in time, we need a restoration of moral sanity.

And  while the Democrats and the Republicans are jockeying for their
version  of political moral high ground, the real answer is here before
us, and  it has no partisan label. It is simply common sense—a
recognition of  truth. All we need to do is take our cue from St. John
Paul II, who  wrote that the Gospel of Life was “meant
 to be a precise and vigorous reaffirmation of the value of human life
 and its inviolability, and at the same time a pressing appeal addressed
 to each and every person, in the name of God: respect, protect, love
and  serve life, every human life! Only in this direction will you find
 justice, development, true freedom, peace and happiness!”

In  the service of life, each of us can help stem and eradicate the
 systemic violence that begets hatred. Where there is disdain, we are
 called to sow the seeds of hope as we teach the meaning of true
freedom,  peace, and happiness in Jesus Christ.

Let the healing begin, one soul at a time.

                                                       Judie Brown
American Life League            DONATE NOW!               American
 Life League is the nation's oldest grassroots Catholic pro-life
 organization. Its president, Judie Brown, has led the organization
since  its 1979 beginning. She has served three terms on the Pontifical
 Academy for Life—appointed twice by Pope John Paul II and again by Pope
 Benedict XVI.