Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dr. McHugh prevented from addressing Tiller criminal abortion case by "Letter of Lies"

Morrison Threatens Expert Witness With Arrest, Orders Him To Stop Talking To Operation Rescue

Overland Park, KS - June 13, 2007 - Representatives from Attorney General Paul Morrison's office staked out a planned panel discussion last night with the purpose of preventing Dr. Paul McHugh from participating. A standing-room only crowd gathered to hear Dr. McHugh, a psychiatrist who had examined abortion medical records for former Attorney General Phill Kline and determined that he could find no justification for the use of mental health excuses for the late-term abortions, making them illegal according to Kansas law. Morrison released a "cease and desist" letter just prior to the event that contained shocking lies and personally insulting remarks meant to intimidate Dr. McHugh into silence.

One man, who identified himself as a criminal investigator with Morrison's office, positioned himself at the door of the hotel, stopping all older gentlemen, including Dick Bott, founder and President of the Bott Radio Network, and asking if they were a doctor, presumably for the purpose of hand-delivering the letter ordering Dr. McHugh not to speak to Operation Rescue and others about the Tiller case.

The panel discussion was opened by former State Representative Mary Pilcher-Cook, who read Morrison's letter to a stunned and angry audience after informing them that it was unknown if Dr. McHugh would appear due to Morrison's threats. Columnist Jack Cashill co-hosted the meeting. A number of legislators were present and addressed the crowd while awaiting Dr. McHugh's arrival.

Finally Dr. McHugh did arrive to an enthusiastic standing ovation, but informed the packed house that he would respect Morrison's request and refrain from making further statements.

Tiller was charged with 30 counts related to illegal abortions in December, only to have them dismissed on flimsy jurisdictional grounds. Morrison, an abortion supporter who benefited from nearly $1 million in campaign help linked directly to Tiller, has promised his own investigation, but in six months never contacted Dr. McHugh, the State's chief medical witness in the case.

However, Morrison's 3-page threat contains a fictional account of a conversation that he claims took place between himself and Dr. McHugh in January and accused McHugh of lying about not having been contacted by his office. McHugh denies that the conversation took place. Morrison falsely accused Dr. McHugh of violating the privacy of the women whose medical records he examined, even though the documents had been thoroughly redacted and Dr. McHugh said he had no way of knowing the identities of the women.

"Dr. McHugh was gentleman enough not to call Morrison a liar, but he strongly indicated to me that the conversation Morrison referred to in his letter did not happen," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who helped escort Dr. McHugh into the meeting room and briefly addressed the audience. "That letter was full of flat-out bold-faced lies meant to intimidate Dr. McHugh into silence, break up last night's meeting, and attack the character of one of the nation's most highly-respected experts in the field of psychiatry. It was outrageous and thuggish conduct in the extreme. Dr. McHugh had no reason to lie about his lack of contact with Morrison. But in order to protect Tiller, Morrison stands to benefit from attacking McHugh.

"Even though Dr. McHugh was prevented from exercising his freedom of speech last night, the truth is out. All the Tiller cronies can do now is attack the messenger, which is what they did last night Now, thanks Dr. McHugh's courage we now know that the mental health excuses that Tiller is using to justify late-term abortions of viable babies are phoney, and that Tiller is breaking the law."

Operation Rescue will hold a briefing on Thursday, June 14 at 7 AM at Heartland Community Church in Wichita to update pro-life supporters on the latest events in the Tiller scandal. Operation Rescue expressed concern that Morrison may try to shut down that meeting as well. "We will not be intimidated into silence," said Newman.

Read Morrison's scurrilous attempt at intimidation.
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View Video of Dr. McHugh's interview.

"In Cordibus Jesu et Mariae"