Freedom's Defense Fund Launches Thank You Sarah Palin Campaign
Cable buys in New Hampshire, Iowa and Alaska make this the first campaign to rebuild a conservative majority in America
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Freedom's Defense Fund launched an on-going campaign to stand with principled political leaders to rebuild a mainstream conservative movement across America. The current effort includes ads in New Hampshire, Iowa and Alaska that thank governor Sarah Palin for her service to our country and the conservative principles that make America the greatest country in the world.
"Sarah Palin has demonstrated a commitment to traditional values, capitalism and supporting the troops that defend our freedom," said Todd Zirkle, executive director of the Freedom's Defense Fund. "This ad campaign and the virtual thank you card on our website is to recognize that Sarah Palin is a leader in the conservative movement and embraces the political values central to our American way of life."
To view the ad and sign the virtual thank you card, visit
"We focus on New Hampshire and Iowa as they will play a critical role in selecting the next leader of the conservative movement during the 2012 primary process," continued Zirkle. "We will expand the campaign to other states and focus on other conservative allies as circumstances dictate and our donors permit."
FDF is a political action committee (PAC). We are dedicated to the principles of limited government as the Founders understood them. We stand with conservative, pro-freedom candidates against the radical left and their elitist allies in Washington. FDF was established in 2004 and has over 20,000 supporters nationwide. We ran more than 10,000 ads in the past four months, the most well-known focusing on Barack Obama and the company he keeps.