Dear Deacon John,
No matter where you go, 40 Days for Life looks like … 40 Days for Life!
With 252 locations in 19 countries to choose from, the surroundings may look different … and the prayers may sound different … but people the world over are united in prayer, fasting and courage.
One common thread runs through every campaign: It’s hard work. 40 Days for Life campaigns challenge us to love our neighbor more deeply – and that’s not always easy.
Here are stories from three countries where that challenge is being met.
Birmingham, England
Very good news from England … as already the Birmingham team reports three saves so far!
One couple told
prayer volunteers they had a one-year-old and were worried they couldn’t
cope with another child so soon. “They were going to have an abortion,”
Isabel, the local leader said, “but now they had changed their minds.”
Another young couple agreed to go to the pregnancy help center … and they decided to keep their baby.
In the third
instance, a young woman was inside the facility while her boyfriend
waited outside. The prayer volunteers talked to him, Isabel said, “and
he decided to go back inside and get his girlfriend out … and they went off all smiles and waves. God is blessing the hard work and prayers of so many people here!”
As the campaign
started, Archbishop Bernard Longley led volunteers in prayer. “He ended
with a beautiful blessing which extended to all those who would come and
pray there during the 40 days,” Isabel said. “God is blessing the hard
work and prayers of so many people here.”
Ljubljana, Slovenia
According to the
team hosting the first-ever 40 Days for Life vigil in Slovenia’s capital
city, their first campaign is going very well.
They’ve heard testimonies from mothers that have been joyful to listen to … and they’re getting positive attention
from a number of passers-by, and having opportunities to talk with law
enforcement officers and medical personnel. The vigil is taking place in
front of the University Medical Center.
The leaders are inviting others in their community “to join us in prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to raise awareness. With God, all things are possible!”
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Steve Karlen, our North American outreach director, helped the team in Calgary kick off their campaign.
“As is the case
with many Canadian campaigns,” Steve said, “the situation in Calgary is
challenging. Because of a court injunction, the vigil participants are
required to stand across the street from the abortion center.”
The volunteers “were delighted to hear how the no-show rate for abortion appointment skyrockets when there are people praying in front of the building.”
This abortion
facility is not clearly marked … so it isn’t always clear why there are
people praying out on the sidewalks. “Nevertheless,” he said, “the
campaign in Calgary knows of at least one baby saved through their efforts, which makes is all worth it for them.
Today’s devotional is from Georgette Forney of Anglicans for Life.
Day 10 intention
May those who hold life as trivial realize that we live because God wills it so.
Who among all
these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this, in His hand
is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
— Job 12:9-10
Reflection by Georgette Forney
Job was a man
acquainted with grief, trials and tribulation. He had everything taken
from him, including his family. He endured sickness, ridicule and
judgment from his friends.
Everyone gave him
advice about his situation, questioning his spirituality and his God.
Job's circumstances were bad but he never loses faith. Why? Because "the
hand of the Lord has made all life." Created by God, he knows his life
has meaning and purpose, regardless of the circumstances.
In our present
culture, we've lost that basic truth; every life is made and allowed to
live by God's sovereign authority. As people who pride ourselves on our
independence, we have a hard time acknowledging our dependence on God.
From our creation,
when we were knit together in our mother's womb to our last breath,
God's word is clear that "in His hand is the life of every creature and
the breath of all mankind."
It's time for us
as individuals, and as a society, to recognize that we exist by God's
grace and turn back to Him, honoring His word and His teachings. Why?
Because our world is full of Jobs, people who are dealing with trials
and tribulations and hurting desperately.
Job's response
should be ours as well. Regardless of what we face (even an unplanned
pregnancy) God in His wisdom and mercy will redeem it.
How do I know?
Job's friends who doubted God's sovereignty cry out to God asking for
help, God instructs Job to pray for his friends and after he does, God
restores all that Job had lost.
In other words, because Job never lost faith and knew and trusted His Creator, the Lord blessed Job.
Thank you Father
God for being the Creator of my life and every life. Please give me, and
the society in which I live, an appreciation for your gift of life.
Please help us set
aside our pride and acknowledge that we need you. Show me how I can
honor you today in response to all the blessings you bestow freely. In
the name of Jesus, Amen.
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For life,
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life