Judie Brown
Judie Brown
August 19, 2016
August 19, 2016
Any nation that routinely slaughters its weakest members is a nation in dire trouble.
A couple of years ago Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel told a Rock Church audience in San Diego that abortion is America's great sin. Speaking to his audience, he challenged them as individuals, saying that "many people are a part of this great sin in this country." His message on that day was that God is all loving. He told them, "You have to take Jesus Christ into your life every day."
A couple of years ago Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel told a Rock Church audience in San Diego that abortion is America's great sin. Speaking to his audience, he challenged them as individuals, saying that "many people are a part of this great sin in this country." His message on that day was that God is all loving. He told them, "You have to take Jesus Christ into your life every day."
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