LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
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Top Stories• Baby Was Born Alive After Abortion at 26 Weeks, Clinic Left Her on the Table Struggling to Breathe
• Abortion Activist: “I Don’t Care” if Science Says Life Starts at Conception, I Still Support Abortion
• Sorry Tim Kaine, You Can’t be Catholic and Pro-Abortion
• Evangelical Blogger Rachel Held Evans Claims Pro-Lifers Should Vote for Hillary Clinton
More Pro-Life News• Planned Parenthood Blasted After It Criticizes Trump for Saying, “I Love Babies”
• Donald Trump: “I Will Pick Great Supreme Court Justices” Like Antonin Scalia• Networks Censored Coverage of Democrats Cheering Activist Bragging About Her Abortion
• Incredible Photos Show Beauty of Kids With Down Syndrome Who Might Have Been Aborted
• Man Impregnates a 13-Year-Old Girl, But Judge Protects Baby From Abortion
• This is the Inconvenient Truth That Drives Abortion Supporters Crazy
• Abortion Activists Celebrate “The Amazing Life” of Margaret Sanger, Call Her a “Do-Gooder”
• Shocking Study Finds Thousands of People Euthanized After Assisted Suicide Legalized
• Pro-Life Law Firm Defends 24-Hour Waiting Period for Abortions in Florida
• Pro-Lifer Faces Huge Legal Bill After Trying to Stop Doctors From Doing Sex-Selection Abortions
• Opposition to Abortion is Central to Building a Loving Society
• Ohio: Ted Strickland Wants to Force Ohio Taxpayers to Fund Abortion
• Abortion Activist: “I Don’t Care” if Science Says Life Starts at Conception, I Still Support Abortion
• Sorry Tim Kaine, You Can’t be Catholic and Pro-Abortion
• Evangelical Blogger Rachel Held Evans Claims Pro-Lifers Should Vote for Hillary Clinton
More Pro-Life News• Planned Parenthood Blasted After It Criticizes Trump for Saying, “I Love Babies”
• Donald Trump: “I Will Pick Great Supreme Court Justices” Like Antonin Scalia• Networks Censored Coverage of Democrats Cheering Activist Bragging About Her Abortion
• Incredible Photos Show Beauty of Kids With Down Syndrome Who Might Have Been Aborted
• Man Impregnates a 13-Year-Old Girl, But Judge Protects Baby From Abortion
• This is the Inconvenient Truth That Drives Abortion Supporters Crazy
• Abortion Activists Celebrate “The Amazing Life” of Margaret Sanger, Call Her a “Do-Gooder”
• Shocking Study Finds Thousands of People Euthanized After Assisted Suicide Legalized
• Pro-Life Law Firm Defends 24-Hour Waiting Period for Abortions in Florida
• Pro-Lifer Faces Huge Legal Bill After Trying to Stop Doctors From Doing Sex-Selection Abortions
• Opposition to Abortion is Central to Building a Loving Society
• Ohio: Ted Strickland Wants to Force Ohio Taxpayers to Fund Abortion

Baby Was Born Alive After Abortion at 26 Weeks, Clinic Left Her on the Table Struggling to Breathe
Nurse Jill Stanek became a nationally-known figure after she testified to Congress about finding a baby who was born alive after a botched abortion and left to die at a Chicago-area hospital.
Nurse Jill Stanek became a nationally-known figure after she testified to Congress about finding a baby who was born alive after a botched abortion and left to die at a Chicago-area hospital.

Abortion Activist: “I Don’t Care” if Science Says Life Starts at Conception, I Still Support Abortion
The president of a national pro-abortion group shocked a radio host this week when she admitted that she would still support abortion if science proves that life begins at conception.
The president of a national pro-abortion group shocked a radio host this week when she admitted that she would still support abortion if science proves that life begins at conception.

Sorry Tim Kaine, You Can’t be Catholic and Pro-Abortion
Dr. Peter Kreeft once quipped in his book Jesus Shock, “Abortion is the Antichrist’s demonic parody of the Eucharist. "
Dr. Peter Kreeft once quipped in his book Jesus Shock, “Abortion is the Antichrist’s demonic parody of the Eucharist. "

Evangelical Blogger Rachel Held Evans Claims Pro-Lifers Should Vote for Hillary Clinton
A popular evangelical Christian writer posted a controversial blog on Tuesday arguing that pro-lifers should vote for pro-abortion Hillary Clinton.
A popular evangelical Christian writer posted a controversial blog on Tuesday arguing that pro-lifers should vote for pro-abortion Hillary Clinton.

Planned Parenthood Blasted After It Criticizes Trump for Saying, “I Love Babies”
We’ve lost count over the years at the number of times the Planned Parenthood Twitter account has sent out something insanely ironic, to which it is typically oblivious.
We’ve lost count over the years at the number of times the Planned Parenthood Twitter account has sent out something insanely ironic, to which it is typically oblivious.

Donald Trump: “I Will Pick Great Supreme Court Justices” Like Antonin Scalia
At a Republican rally last night in Pennsylvania, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said his potential Supreme Court justices are a huge reason pro-life and Republican voters should consider supporting him over Hillary Clinton.
At a Republican rally last night in Pennsylvania, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said his potential Supreme Court justices are a huge reason pro-life and Republican voters should consider supporting him over Hillary Clinton.

Networks Censored Coverage of Democrats Cheering Activist Bragging About Her Abortion
How enthusiastic is the Democratic Party about abortion?
How enthusiastic is the Democratic Party about abortion?

Incredible Photos Show Beauty of Kids With Down Syndrome Who Might Have Been Aborted
Four years after Julie Willson lost her sister Dina, who had Down syndrome, to congestive heart failure, she decided that it was time to do something to remind people about the value of individuals with disabilities.
Four years after Julie Willson lost her sister Dina, who had Down syndrome, to congestive heart failure, she decided that it was time to do something to remind people about the value of individuals with disabilities.