Please take a moment to read Ryan's bio and watch the short
clip. His passion, energy, and goodness shine through beautifully! You
WILL NOT want to miss his presentation at the Soiree this year!
Ryan Bomberger is an Emmy® Award-winning creative professional, citizen journalist, factivist, and author of the new book,
Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong.
He is also the co-founder of The Radiance Foundation, a life-affirming
organization based on the belief that every human life has purpose. Ryan
has a rather unique perspective of the innate nature of purpose. He is
one of ten children, who were adopted and loved in a multi-racial family
of fifteen. Today, as an adoptee and adoptive father, he enjoys
illuminating the intrinsic worth we all possess. He and his
wife, Bethany, founded The Radiance Foundation to extensively research
and creatively present social issues in the context of God-given
Purpose. Ryan's work has received extensive media coverage by the NY
Times, CNN, MSNBC, the Associated Press, Breitbart, ABC World News,
Washington Times, Huffington Post, NPR, B.E.T., and many other
mainstream and online media outlets. He has also spoken around the
world in support of building a culture that values life in all of its