NRLC formed a federation of the groups that were already in existence in a number of states and organized groups in those states that lacked one. Working with Congressman Henry Hyde, we were able to enact the Hyde amendment to prevent the use of tax dollars from paying for abortion.
In 1980, the NRL Political Action Committee was formed to elect pro-life men and women who would pass pro-life laws.
NRLC also created outreach programs to work with those in the religious community and women who had abortions, with African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans. And National Teens for Life was formed.
I’m proud of NRLC’s 50 years but, like you, am sad that there was ever a need for our organization and its efforts on behalf of innocent, vulnerable human life.
We still have a long battle ahead of us, but I truly believe we can see the beginning of the end and victory on the horizon.