Monday, October 21, 2019

LifeNews: Britain Forces Northern Ireland to Legalize Abortions Pro-Life News Report

Monday, October 21, 2019

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Top Stories
Britain Forces Northern Ireland to Legalize Abortions Killing Babies Up to 24 Weeks Old
Abortionist Arrested After Pointing a Gun at Pro-Life Advocates Outside His Abortion Clinic
Abortion Clinic CEO Compares Abortion to Removing a Mole or Getting a Root Canal
Planned Parenthood Will Open Huge Abortion Clinic on Wednesday Outside St. Louis
More Pro-Life News
Woman Defends Aborting Her Disabled 24-Week-Old Unborn Baby: She Was Better Off Dead
Abortion Activist Claims Fetus is Not a Baby, Gets Refuted by Thousands of People on Twitter
Woman Headed to the Abortion Clinic Changes Her Mind, Her Friends Adopt Her Baby
Abortion Activists: “Safe, Legal and Rare” Not Pro-Abortion Enough. But Hillary Invented It
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories
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Britain Forces Northern Ireland to Legalize Abortions Killing Babies Up to 24 Weeks Old

The final attempt by Unionist MLAs to stop abortion law being imposed upon Northern Ireland has failed, with the law set to change at midnight.

Abortionist Arrested After Pointing a Gun at Pro-Life Advocates Outside His Abortion Clinic

An abortionist based in Phoenix, Arizona has been arrested after he was filmed on video pulling a gun and aiming it at a pro-life advocate protesting abortion outside his abortion business.

Abortion Clinic CEO Compares Abortion to Removing a Mole or Getting a Root Canal

Take, for example, this gem from Amy Hagstrom Miller, CEO and founder of Whole Woman’s Health...

Planned Parenthood is scheduled to open a huge new abortion facility Wednesday near the Missouri border to attract abortion business from multiple states.

Woman Defends Aborting Her Disabled 24-Week-Old Unborn Baby: She Was Better Off Dead

A mother defended aborting her viable unborn daughter in an op-ed for the New York Times over the weekend.

Abortion activists will do anything they can to attempt to dehumanize unborn babies, including manipulating the language of the abortion debate.


Woman Headed to the Abortion Clinic Changes Her Mind, Her Friends Adopt Her Baby

Tricia and her husband Scott spent long years wishing for a child. They tried for many years to conceive, and when they never did, they decided to start the adoption journey.

Abortion Activists: “Safe, Legal and Rare” Not Pro-Abortion Enough. But Hillary Invented It

Abortion activists condemned the phrase “safe, legal and rare” following Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s remarks at a Democratic debate, a phrase that stemmed from former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton.


296 Babies Saved From Abortion So Far During 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign

San Francisco Bans Employee Travel to Pro-Life States But Allows Travel to China

Disgusting New List Ranks the Best and Worst Cities to Kill Babies in Abortions

Calling All Catholics: We Need You Praying the Rosary to End Abortion

shirtPro-life t-shirt by Noeclexis. Good everyday t-shirt for prolife supporters . Also good for pro life marches and demonstrations. Get it on Amazon.

Pennsylvania Bill Would Ban Abortions When Unborn Baby’s Heart Begins Beating

Northern Ireland May Legalize Killing Babies in Abortions Today if Lawmakers Don’t Return to Work

Planned Parenthood Abortionist Admits in Court She Wanted Lamborghini for Selling Aborted Baby Parts

Law & Order SVU Trashes Pro-Lifers: “Old White Men Trying to Control Women’s Bodies”