Friday, November 20, 2020

ALL's Pro-Life This Week 11/20/2020


Featured Commentary
Trump, Biden, and Love!

Cursing the darkness or waiting for someone else to take up the cause, especially if that someone is a politician like Trump or Biden, is never a good idea.

Pro-Life This Week is made possible thanks to the generosity of our donors. Please consider supporting American Life League with a tax-deductible gift.

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P.O. Box 6170
Falmouth, VA 22403
Week in Review
America was founded on principles of free people who could look to their religious leaders and elected officials to protect their basic rights. This year, we are witnessing both these groups backing away from their responsibilities.
ALL in the News
This week, American Life League officials were featured in several big-name media outlets. The attention came after ALL released a press statement slamming the USCCB for congratulating pro-abortion “Catholic” Joe Biden.
Pro-Life Social Media
Pro-abortion/leftist magazine, The Atlantic, has published a cover story titled “The Last Children of Down Syndrome.” Its author interviewed post-abortive mothers in Denmark, where prenatal screening is given to every pregnant mother.
Video of the Week
Every Christmas season, the Salvation Army unleashes its hordes of red buckets in the hopes that holiday shoppers will empty their pockets of loose change. Despite the SA’s admission that “human life is sacred,” it abandons this principle when it comes to preborn human life.
Action Item of the Week

We fight against abortion every day. The lives of the 800,000+ preborn human beings who die from surgical and medical abortions are so important. This month, the country celebrates a specific alternative to abortion. Please help spread the word.