Friday, November 6, 2020

ALL's Pro-Life This Week 11/6/2020


Featured Commentary
A Quiver Full of Deadly Arrows

Can anyone forget that well-publicized statement flowing from the treacherous lips of pro-abortion Catholic Speaker Pelosi when she threatened to stop the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Barrett: “We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now”?

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Week in Review
So... how bad is it? Although we do not yet know who will be president for the next four years, there are signs of small progress and hope for the babies as we look at the congressional situation after the elections.
ALL in the News
This week’s STOPP report was distributed to a list of tens of thousands of readers and discussed the undecided presidential election. American Life League continues to stay in the news with multiple weekly videos and correspondence.
Pro-Life Social Media
If preborn babies could vote, surely they would vote pro-life. But babies can’t vote, so we have to do it on their behalf, as millions of registered voters are already doing.
Video of the Week
Pro-life advocates concerned about foreign human DNA in vaccines have been slammed by the abortion cartel and its media spokespersons as anti-vax. Accept that pro-life advocates don’t oppose vaccines, just the ones that involve the remains of dead babies.
Action Item of the Week
What do red roses and saving babies from abortion have in common? We will be discussing exactly that topic in this week’s action item. We will tell you how you can find out all you want to know about this life-saving technique.