Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Racial Reckoning Inside Planned Parenthood


The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals just handed down a life-saving new ruling that allows Texas and Louisiana to bar Planned Parenthood from gaining access to Medicaid funding.  PRAISE GOD!

This means that the nation's #1 abortion chain will have even fewer resources at hand in order to continue to destroy babies and propagate their cult of racism and death.

Meanwhile, our very own Jim Sedlak just made public an explosive new report on Planned Parenthood's extensive present day racism, comprising 19 Planned Parenthood affiliate organizations operating in 33 states across the country.

The details of this report are so shocking and the confirmation by Planned Parenthood employees so brazen, I had to sit down just to read it. 

Click Here To Read This EXPLOSIVE New Report!

Here's just a sample of what our findings involved:

With all of these documented admissions of racism by Planned Parenthood itself, it is no longer just pro-lifers accusing Planned Parenthood of racism. It is Planned Parenthood, itself, admitting it is racist. With that admission, it is clear that any individual, corporation, or organization that supports Planned Parenthood is also racist. Let us not be afraid to say so.
Even Harper's Bazaar -- not exactly a pro-life publication -- has come out with guns blazing against Planned Parenthood's racist origins and racist present day operations with a barnburner of a story.

This rather lengthy article was published just today.  The official line from the racists at Planned Parenthood seems to be to the effect that they are just going to try to be a little less racist in the future.


Now we didn't know that this Harper's article was coming.  God and the Blessed Mother did... and that is in no small part, I believe, due to our Marian Blue Wave rosary campaign asking for Our Lady's intercession.

God and the Blessed Mother will use American Life League to bring Planned Parenthood down and STOP THE KILLING.

We need to spread the word and get even MORE pro-lifers on our team.  Will you join us for a life-saving gift of $100 or $50 (or more?) right now by CLICKING HERE?

God is doing great things through American Life League.  THANK YOU for being a part of it! 

Yours in the LORD Who IS Life!

Judie Brown
American Life League.