Thursday, March 3, 2022

40 Days For Life: DAY 2: We Won in Court




In October, an abortion advocate named Brooke Dietrich launched a malicious public social media campaign designed to sabotage local 40 Days for Life campaigns.

She encouraged her followers to commit unlawful acts against 40 Days for Life vigils including:

  • Fraudulently signing up for countless vigil hours they never intended to fill, rendering numerous local vigil calendars in multiple countries effectively useless for parts of the fall campaign

  • Harassing local 40 Days for Life leaders by publishing their names and contact information and encouraging malicious phone calls and text messages

  • Attempting to cripple the 40 Days for Life store by filling shopping carts with hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of merchandise they never intended to buy

Sabotage, identity theft, and other unlawful attacks against peaceful, law-abiding 40 Days for Life campaigns cannot be and were not tolerated.

This week, a court agreed, issuing an injunction against Dietrich and her followers and in favor of 40 Days for Life. The injunction orders Dietrich and those acting on her behest to cease and desist their malicious and unlawful activities.

Dietrich's widespread and disruptive attack on 40 Days for Life shows how powerful your prayers and presence are!

Abortion advocates only sabotage the vigils because they lawfully save lives from abortion. We will continue to use peaceful, non-violent efforts to win hearts, minds, and souls and will defend those rights in court when necessary.

We will continue to unapologetically defend the right of all peaceful pro-lifers to witness in the public square in defense of unborn babies.


Geneva, Switzerland

40 Days for Life participants in Geneva held a public prayer rally in front of the United Nations building.

"This [vigil] is [part of] our efforts to raise awareness for our campaign," said Noemi, the local leader. "We had a good turnout and new recruits for our campaign."

Noemi and her team lead their campaign through an association called Ensemble Pour la Vie, which conducts community outreach efforts all year.

"We work with other nonprofits in the French-speaking part of Switzerland to promote a culture of life," Noemi explained. "We have also reached out to the German-speaking part of Switzerland to see how we can work together."


Palmdale, California

More than 60 prayer warriors joined a prayer walk in Palmdale.

Vigil participants were blessed with a beautiful day. The high-energy event featured a powerful talk from the executive director of a local pregnancy help center.

Near the end of the keynote address, participants hit their knees to petition God for mercy and for an end to abortion.

Photo: Julio Barrios


In those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists, because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution.

— Acts 6:1

Father, in the Church’s desire to engage our communities with the Gospel, let us gain wisdom from those who have gone before us and cherish their experiences and perspectives. Help us to appreciate every soul in the body of Christ and minister properly to everybody.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life


40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316