Thursday, March 31, 2022

Infanticide, transhumanism, and detransitioners


Foundations newsletter

March 31, 2022

Foundations is a semi-monthly online publication of Personhood Alliance Education that informs and equips Christians on issues of life for the 21st century.

Personhood in the news

California bill could legalize infanticide

A gruesome new pro-abortion bill proposed in California could legalize infanticide for weeks or even months after a child is born. AB 2223 would amend existing state law to decriminalize all possible "outcomes of pregnancy," including "perinatal death." By including ‘perinatal’ in its provisions, the bill would authorize the brutal murder of these infants even after they are born. This radical legislation is beyond the pale for any civilized society and must be aggressively opposed by all people of conscience who value human life.


Transhumanist worldview vs. Christianity

Transhumanism is a social movement with catastrophic impact. Its adherents believe that immortality is attainable for human beings by enhancing ourselves with technology. The goal is to evolve humankind to become "post-human." So-called "Christian transhumanism" is the misguided attempt to blend the transhumanist agenda with the precepts of Christian theology. But these worldviews are incompatible because transhumanism's goal isn't God, but rather, to evolve humans into gods.


The growing movement of detransitioners

The right to "transition" to a different gender dominates headlines today. Less well-known is a growing movement of "detransitioners"—people who regret their decision and have sought to reverse the effects of medical treatment and embrace their God-given gender. The testimonies are devastating. Many say "experts" encouraged them to transition without adequate assessment of pre-existing mental health problems, then spurned them when regret surfaced.


Personhood on the ground

Abortion and personhood

The killing of an innocent human being through abortion, at any developmental stage and for any reason, is a direct violation of their personhood. So what does this mean?

In a Judeo-Christian worldview, humans are afforded a special status and dignity because we are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). This means we’re endowed with an immortal spirit, a capacity to know and be known by God, and a measure of free will that’s unique from the animal kingdom. Because we bear the image of God, we are valuable from the moment of fertilization.

For this reason, all human life must be respected and protected in law. Because the right to life originates from God and not the State (see the Declaration of Independence), the State is limited in its authority to authorize the taking of life. And, the State exceeds its biblical boundaries when it allows the innocent to be killed.

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