Lutherville, Maryland
Professor New wasn't done. After hosting the Washington rally, he spoke at the Lutherville, Maryland, vigil.
Lutherville leader Jay brought a 40 Days for Life campaign to town after he and his Owings Mills campaign team convinced the abortionist's landlord to give the abortion business the boot.
New shared how, years ago, his students volunteered him to lead a 40
Days for Life campaign at the University of Alabama, where he taught.
"I was annoyed at first," Dr. New admitted. "But that campaign went well. As it turns out, the students were wiser than their professor that day."
Dr. New added that when he arrived in Washington, there wasn't a lot of public pro-life prayer or sidewalk counseling in the city, but that launching a 40 Days for Life campaign "has been an effective tool for publicizing and promoting our street-level activism."
The message was just what prayer warriors needed to get fired up to head into spiritual battle.