Our Blessed Mother models a profound witness to love
and life in the Gospel account of the Visitation. Luke’s Gospel tells
us that, when Mary learns that her cousin Elizabeth is pregnant, she
travels to the hill country “in haste” (Lk 1:39).
The example of our Blessed Mother invites us to
become more aware of the needs of pregnant and parenting moms in our own
parishes and communities. A woman with an unexpected pregnancy in
difficult circumstances may have any number of fears and challenges,
such as facing judgment from her friends and family, losing her job or
housing, or being abandoned by the father of her child.
Following Mary’s example, we can ask ourselves how
to better know these mothers, listen to them, seek understanding, and
help them obtain the necessities of life for themselves and their
children. How can we, like the Blessed Mother, lovingly support mothers
in welcoming and caring for God’s gift of life?
Throughout the whole of Scripture, Mary’s words are
few. Yet, in her sacred encounter with Elizabeth, a powerful declaration
pours from her lips. Mary proclaims to all generations that the Lord lifts up the lowly, fills the hungry with good things, and remembers his promise of mercy from age to age (Lk 1:46-56). In both word and deed, Mary speaks a message of hope—not only to Elizabeth, but also to every mother in need and to each of us.
Mary’s witness is an invitation to step out in love
and compassion. It is a summons to make haste to help vulnerable women
who may be isolated and alone. Inspired by the Blessed Mother’s example
and guided by the Holy Spirit, may we offer Christ’s presence and love
to mothers in their time of need through our faithful service and