Tuesday, October 11, 2022




IMPORTANT NOTE: People who believe in the right to life of every human being are tempted to preach to the choir instead of going out and making new converts. Spread this Alert to others!!


By Julie Grimstad
October 11, 2022

No society which cares for its weaker members will fall into barbarism. The opposite is also true. Any society which forsakes its weaker members will certainly descend into the wasteland of total barbarism. The legalization of abortion on demand was the beginning of this descent in the Western World.

Acceptance of assisted suicide and euthanasia arose as a direct result of the acceptance of killing the defenseless child in the womb. And, just as abortion has progressed from “a last resort” to a relentless pursuit of fewer births for any number of reasons, so assisted suicide and euthanasia have progressed from “ending the unbearable suffering of the terminally ill” to the eradication of human beings as a solution to all sorts of human conditions – for example, dementia, disabilities, birth defects, mental illness, and even loneliness.

The Living Will and Its Sequel, Assisted Suicide

Considered “the Father of Situation Ethics,” Joseph Fletcher, STD, was President of the Euthanasia Society of America in 1975 when the organization changed its image by changing its name to the Society for the Right to Die. Fletcher’s mantra, as reported by the American Journal of Nursing in 1973, was: “What has taken place in birth control is equally important in death control.” It is relevant to note that Fletcher was a friend of Margaret Sanger and helped her establish the Planned Parenthood Federation.

Under Fletcher’s leadership, the Society for the Right to Die promoted the Living Will and, in 1976, celebrated its first success when the California “Natural Death Act” became law. The “right to die” by refusing life-sustaining treatment was now legal in one state. Every state would follow this lead within the next 15 years.

It was a frighteningly short step from the “right” to refuse life-sustaining treatment to the “right” to assisted suicide. In 1994, Oregon became the first state to legalize physician-assisted suicide. It is now legal in ten states and the District of Columbia for doctors to write lethal prescriptions for suicidal patients.

A number of countries have embraced assisted suicide and euthanasia, including our northern neighbor. “Medical Assistance in Dying” (MAiD) – encompassing both assisted suicide by drug overdose and euthanasia by lethal injection – has been legal throughout Canada since 2016.

How do we restore protection for every human life? The answer is quite simple. Physicians can refuse to kill.

A Medical System that Does Not Have a Bias in Favor of Life Has a Bias Against Life

Does human life have fundamental value simply because it is human? For thousands of years, that question has been answered affirmatively by the medical profession. The few exceptions throughout history have resulted in human tragedy and vows of “never again.”

Abortion, assisted suicide, and euthanasia could not have become accepted “medical services” without the acquiescence and even leadership of the medical profession. If physicians had stood firmly for the moral integrity that recognizes the sanctity of human life, society would not be on this path to destruction. The blame belongs squarely on the medical profession, as does the remedy.

For 50 years I have charted the steady progress made by advocates for the destruction of the lives of the weak. It is my considered opinion that their movement would have been thwarted from its beginning had the medical profession steadfastly clung to the Hippocratic Oath, refusing under any circumstance to deliberately end a single life.

A medical system that does not have a bias in favor of life inevitably has a bias against life. We must challenge physicians to embrace the sanctity of life ethic, supporting and defending them when they do.

Laws can be enacted, and patients can ask, but doctors can refuse to comply with unethical laws and requests. Pray for our physicians, that they will have the moral integrity and courage to resist the culture of death, and that they, together with the pro-life movement, will successfully restore the culture of life. Ultimately, caring for the weaker members of society, not eliminating them, will save civilization.

HALO has created a timeline that charts the steady progress made by assised suicide and euthanasia advocates. To access our timeline, visit Origins and History of the Deadly Living Will and Its Sequel, Assisted Suicide.

To access this new resource, click here.
There are many other valuable resources available at https://halovoice.org.

HALO encourages you to vote in person on election day. If we give in to those who oppose our values and morals, we may lose our cherished freedoms for generations to come.

Want to Help HALO and be 
a Voice for the Medically Vulnerable?



Thank you for your support! Our organization is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
If you would like to donate through the mail, please send checks only to:
HALO, 7301 Bass Lake RD, Minneapolis, MN 55428.


The Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization (HALO) is a voice for the medically vulnerable. As a non-profit, Christian organization, HALO addresses a wide array of ethical issues including euthanasia, assisted suicide, rationing of medical services, and hastening of death in healthcare settings. In addition, HALO promotes life-affirming healthcare practices, life-protective advance directives, and compassionate care for the sick and those nearing the end of their lives. In all circumstances, HALO espouses in healthcare practice the sanctity and integrity of every human person.

HALO accomplishes its mission through intercessory prayer; widespread education; community awareness and assistance programs; interaction with patients, families, and caregivers; and referrals to appropriate resources when necessary.