Here's another sick story from California. These people will have a lot to answer for on Judgment Day! May the Divine Mercy be in their souls!
Deacon JohnBad for the environment?
Sierra Club comes out against Proposition 4
The San Francisco-based Sierra Club, founded by California environmentalist John Muir in 1892 to "explore, enjoy and protect the planet," is urging its members to vote against Proposition 4, saying the family notification before a minor's abortion initiative might result in more babies being born, which would be bad for the environment.

The environmental group's opposition to Proposition 4 caught the attention of the Bay Area Reporter because the organization failed to instruct its members on how to vote on Proposition 8, the measure that would ban same-sex marriages in the state. In a column titled "Prop 8 briefs – Sierra Club silent on Prop 8," the newspaper reported, "The Sierra Club, one of the country's foremost environmental clubs, declined to take a position on Proposition 8, the same-sex marriage ban, but urged Californians to vote no on Proposition 4, the parental notification measure. Some gays were surprised at the club's omission of the most controversial initiative on the November ballot."
"Sierra Club is a pro-choice organization," says the group's web site, and the club has previously endorsed a 1970 resolution drafted by Zero Population Growth. Among the provisions of the resolution: "families should not have more than two natural children," "state and federal laws should be changed to encourage small families and to discourage large families," "policies, and attitudes that foster population growth or big families, or that restrict abortion and contraception, or that attempt to constrict the roles of men and women, should be abandoned."
Last year, members of the Sierra Club partnered with representatives of Planned Parenthood and traveled from one end of California to the other for a series of conferences called "Sex and the Environment." The 2007 tour was part of the Sierra Club's Global Population and Environment Program, which states as its mission: "to protect the global environment and preserve natural resources for future generations by advancing global reproductive health and sustainable development initiatives." The term "reproductive health" has long been understood as a code word for "abortion," especially in Third World countries where the outright use of the word "abortion" would be politically unwise.