STOPP Report
October 22, 2008
In this issue:
Planned Parenthood recognizes National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Construction to begin on Portland Planned Parenthood clinic
Iowa woman left money for Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood fighting personhood intitiative
NPLTD contest announced
40 Days for Life a thorn in Planned Parenthood's side
Bishop Holley urges the black community to fight Planned Parenthood
Your prayers are desperately needed!
Planned Parenthood recognizes National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
In an ironic twist, Planned Parenthood is speaking out on the dangers and risks of breast cancer. What makes this ironic is abortion is a major risk factor for breast cancer. Here is an organization that earns one-third of its clinic income from abortion and yet is educating the public on one of the serious health problems that abortion can cause. What PP fails to recognize or acknowledge is the fact that women under the age of 18 who have an induced abortion increase their breast cancer risk by 150 percent. There have been several studies that show a link between breast cancer and abortion. PP has ignored these studies, and abortion advocates claim that there is no link or that it is impossible to find a link between the two. PP also fails to recognize a link between breast cancer and oral contraceptives. Studies have shown that women taking oral contraceptives also have an increased risk of breast cancer.
PP has long used breast cancer and mammograms as a publicity stunt to convince the ignorant or naïve that they are truly here to help women. (It is interesting to note that the number of breast exams done at PP has fallen by 17 percent over the last five years.) We know that our readers are not going to allow PP to pull the wool over their eyes. We ask you to use National Breast Cancer Awareness Month to inform others that PP is running a business by selling two of the causes of increased breast cancer risk: abortion and contraceptives. Please also contact Susan G. Komen For the Cure and ask them why they support PP when PP is helping to increase breast cancer. For a list of the studies that have proven the link between breast cancer and abortion, please follow this link.
Construction to begin on Portland Planned Parenthood clinic
Construction of the Planned Parenthood facility on Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, in Portland, Oregon, is set to begin next week. STOPP brought this story to our readers' attention when PP first announced its intention to build this new killing center. There have been numerous protests and setbacks for PP's plans, including the first construction firm backing out of the deal because of controversy and PP having trouble finding a new firm.
PP is claiming to be "maxed out" – short of funds – and is asking its supporters to donate. Apparently, PP forgot about its hundreds of millions of dollars in liquid assets. PP is celebrating the beginning phase of construction with a groundbreaking ceremony today. Bill Diss, who has been a leading voice in the battle against this new PP facility, vows to have protesters there. "It's still blessed and unbroken ground, and that is good," commented Diss. Please keep praying that PP does not reach its financial goal and is forced to back out of the deal.
Iowa woman left money for Planned Parenthood
A woman in Shenandoah, Iowa wanted to leave a mark on this world in what was her last act in this world. Iowa resident Millie Morgan, a long-time Planned Parenthood supporter, decided to include a gift for the organization in her estate plans. Millie left PP enough money to purchase a new exam table, shelves and signage. "Millie's gift will be forever remembered and provide our center with a new exam table, a new chart shelving unit and signage, to go on the frontage road near the center," Red Oak Planned Parenthood Center manager Marti Clark-Moffett said. "She would have been excited to see her donation going to help the center run smoother and increasing PPGI's presence in the community."
We ask our readers to pray and do penance for the deliverance of Millie's soul from purgatory, in the hope that, before she died, she underwent a conversion, repented and was a firsthand witness to God's wonderful mercy. Please pray for Millie and all those who support PP and abortion, so that God's love and mercy may shine through and soften their hardened hearts.
Planned Parenthood fighting personhood initiative
Planned Parenthood is terrified by Colorado's proposed personhood amendment and knows that it could mean the end of its days as a "megamillion-dollar" organization. So what has it done to fight back? How about donating almost half a million dollars to combat this ballot initiative? That's right. PP is putting a lot of money into fighting Amendment 48. PP realizes that legally declaring the child in the womb to be what the child naturally is – a human person – is the first major step toward ending the culture of death.
American Life League supports this proposal. We ask our supporters to pray for the state of Colorado, that all of its residents may realize how precious life is. We also encourage Colorado for Equal Rights to continue its amazingly courageous fight against PP and other abortion advocates. Visit its web site to learn more.
NPLTD contest announced
American Life League is starting to prepare for National Pro-Life T-shirt Day in April 2009 by announcing that this year, our shirt will be designed by you, our supporters! Have you ever had an idea for a great pro-life T-shirt that you thought would look great? Want your shirt to be displayed across the nation and know that it will be used for one of the greatest causes ever? Then you need to compete in our first-ever NPLTD contest. Please stay tuned for more information in the near future.
40 Days for Life a thorn in Planned Parenthood's side
Planned Parenthood is clearly not happy with the 40 Days for Life vigils outside of its clinics and is complaining to the media about them. PP is unhappy because the campaign is making quite an impact on its business. Several 40 Days for Life participants have sent in reports indicating that the vigils are having a noticeable impact on PP workers and facilities. This is a wonderful testimony to God's power. In Spokane, Washington, one participant said that PP's business was so slow that it sent out eight workers to counterprotest the 40 Days for Life vigil:
"Two or three more joined them within the next half hour," said Inga. "They lined up on the curb on either side of our prayer volunteers, with an 'in-your-face' attitude, mocking us with their looks and laughter. This was the first time in either campaign that we have encountered this kind of persecution."
Inga said only two people were signed up to pray at the vigil when this happened, but God had other plans. The people who were scheduled to leave the vigil stayed and kept praying – and other people kept arriving to join them until more than two dozen faithful believers were gathered in prayer outside of Planned Parenthood.
Bishop Holley urges the black community to fight Planned Parenthood
Bishop Martin D. Holley, auxiliary bishop of Washington, D.C., recently issued a powerful statement calling attention to the fact that "Black women continue to be targeted by the abortion industry" and urging the African-American community to fight back against Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry. Bishop Holley commented on the recent PP study showing that African American women have an abortion rate that is five times higher than that of white women, and he called for the defunding of PP. "Every year the federal government gives over $300 million to PP," Bishop Holley pointed out. "Last year for the first time, Planned Parenthood took in over one billion dollars and reported a profit of $[114] million."
STOPP commends Bishop Holley for his strong stance against PP and applauds his courage in standing up against the abortion giant. Please pray for Bishop Holley and bishops everywhere that they will unite to fight PP and other abortion and contraception providers everywhere. If you still have not signed the petition to defund PP, please do so by following this link.
Your prayers are desperately needed!
Today, as we were putting the finishing touches on our Wednesday STOPP Report, American Life League received this prayer request email from David Bereit, National Campaign Director of 40 Days for Life. Please read and keep this intention in your prayers all day.
Dear Jim,
I have an URGENT prayer request...
On Saturday a medical worker at a Planned Parenthood abortion center where a 40 Days for Life campaign is happening approached the prayer volunteers outside.
She said that Planned Parenthood had told its workers that they would be immediately fired if they ever talked to those on the sidewalk, but she felt drawn to them -- and she shared that she desperately wants out of her job.
She explained that after she started working at Planned Parenthood earlier this year, the abortion business assigned her the gruesome task of counting the baby body parts following each abortion to make sure everything was removed from the mother.
What she has seen inside the walls of Planned Parenthood is horrific.
She then shared that several weeks ago a young woman sat before her registering for an abortion and said, "I'm so conflicted, should I do this or not?"
She leaned forward and quietly told her, "Don't do this." The girl left, her baby alive within her.
A co-worker overheard and reported her to the abortion center's supervisor who wrote her up and put a stern warning in her employment file.
She asked the 40 Days for Life prayer volunteers if she could meet Monday with someone who might be able to help her -- and the time she had available was the exact time that Jim Pinto, pastoral associate for Priests for Life, was there in town for his visit to the 40 Days for Life location.
Jim stopped everything else to pray for her, with her, and over her. He also connected her with an organization called The Centurions that helps to bring abortion providers out of the abortion industry where they can find forgiveness and healing in Christ and restore their sense of self-worth.
The 40 Days for Life volunteers are now taking up a collection to provide for her short-term needs so she can leave her job immediately and they are helping her find another job quickly since she is the sole provider for her four daughters and needs income. Jim, there is a real possibility that these faithful 40 Days for Life volunteers may be able to help her walk away from the abortion industry TODAY!
Praise God for what He is doing in this woman's life, and please keep her -- and this situation -- in your prayers throughout the day.