Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Stanek WND column, "How the Born Alive debate has changed the abortion debate"



During The O'Reilly Factor on Sept. 29, host Bill O'Reilly said, "Apparently, you violate a woman's privacy if you set any restrictions on aborting a fetus at all or even try to protect a baby after its birth. If you do that, extremists will claim you are violating a woman's privacy rights."

O'Reilly would not have included "or even try to protect a baby after its birth" a few months ago, because it wasn't commonly known until then that abortion extremists like Barack Obama consider it a "burden" to the mother's "original decision," as he
put it, to give abortion survivors lifesaving medical help.

But the debate over Obama's opposition as state senator to the IL Born Alive Infants Protection Act has provided an unforeseen teaching opportunity to the American public, much as the debate over partial-birth abortion did a decade ago....

Continue reading my column, "How the Born Alive debate has changed the abortion debate," on