DALLAS, Nov. 1 /Christian Newswire/ -- Christian-based organizations throughout the country are inviting the entire country to unite for 3 PM National Prayer on Election Eve, Monday, November 3rd, 2008, with the purpose of praying for repentance and God's Mercy, as we vote to select the next President of the United States of America. Pastor Mark Gonzalez, The Call Board Member and Latino Outreach Director says, "People are crying out for change, rather than crying out for Mercy! What God is asking us is to pray, "Father, Have mercy. God have mercy on America!"
On Monday, November 3rd, there will be 24 hours of continuous prayer in our country, with special prayers asking for God's Mercy prayers at 3 PM. These prayers are suggested to take place in all churches in the United States, at a time most convenient for each church. Church leadership is encouraged to invite youth and young adults to take active roles in this national prayer day to bolster the participation of young people. Hospital and home-bound individuals are also encouraged to participate.

DePrimo adds, "Our descent into spiritual darkness began in the early 1960's when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Bible reading and prayer in public schools were unconstitutional. A few years later the High Court tossed out the Ten Commandments. Then came the constitutional rights to kill babies through abortion, to possess and distribute hardcore pornography, and to engage in every manner of deviant sexual conduct. And now courts are declaring that homosexual marriage is constitutionally protected. These court decisions reflect the pitiful state of our national soul. Our only hope for national renewal is to cry out to God for mercy and to ask Him to change the heart of the American people one by one. This is a call to prayer. A call to repentance. That's the only thing that will save our country. And time is running out."
Eduardo Verastegui, actor, producer, singer and star of the award-winning 2007 movie "Bella," who recently produced a graphic video about the truth of abortion ( www.DuraRealidad.com) said our country needs prayer to stop abortions, "As a Latino, I was also shocked to learn that most abortion centers are located in neighborhoods where Hispanics and minorities live. It broke my heart when I discovered that more than 650 Latino babies are killed every day by abortion in the US. We need to put an end to abortion - and political candidates play a very important role in this matter."
EHTV Esperanza-Hope Entertainment President, Suzette Chaires says, "Let's get on our knees, especially on Monday, Election Eve. And, let's keep it going." Chaires adds, "This is a call to prayer for all; it is a call to all churches to hold times of prayer or candlelight prayer vigils. All people of faith are encouraged to join us in this prayer asking for God's mercy. This is a unique and important opportunity in the history of the United States of America to bring our country back to God, and ask Him to give us a fresh start. (Lamentations 5:21). In this election, so crucial for our children - and our children's children - let's unite to pray! It will make a tremendous difference in the lives of all Americans - and our entire country."