Sunday, January 3, 2010

Take Our Lady of America to Washington D.C. for the March For Life

Our Lady of America Newsletter
January 3, 2010
Sunday of the Epiphany

Bring Our Lady of America to Washington D.C.

As the culture of death forces its goals we know that only through the graces of Heaven and our continuous struggle will this evil be turned back.
The antidote to the culture of death is a commitment to purity and love as illustrated by the life of the Immaculate Conception and the Holy Family. Our Lady of America promises extraordinary graces to those who pursue purity and to our Country when we turn to Her.
To bring Our Lady of America to Washington D.C., the Langsenkamp Family Apostolate is making available to 8 groups attending the 2010 March For Life in Washington D.C. a 4 foot by 8 foot Our Lady of America banner free of charge. The banner will show as the image directly above. You will need to provide 2 poles to elevate and carry the banner.
All that we ask of you is that your group's leader contact us by email at by January 8th along with the reference of a Priest for your group. We will be holding a drawing of the entries on January 9th and informing those chosen by email. The banners will be delivered by January 15th.
We also ask that you send us photos of your group at the March for Life for display on our Web Page.
We pray that Our Lady's presence will cause miracles of grace to descend upon Washington D.C

Please spread the word by forwarding this to family and friends and encourage them to sign-up for their own copy of this free newsletter by clicking here.
B.V.M. Our Lady of America
C/O Langsenkamp Family Apostolate
6720 Parkdale Place
Indianapolis, IN 46254

B.V.M. Our Lady of America is a not-for-profit activity of the BVM Foundation, Inc. Batesville, IN 47006
BVM Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation.
Copyright 2010 Langsenkamp Family Apostolate and the B.V.M. Foundation

We make holy cards available free of charge to anyone who has the ability to distribute them to groups.  Make your request for your free Holy Cards by clicking here